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Import csv data as array in mongodb using mongoimport

I have been trying to import the csv data into mongodb using mongoimport. The collection is like this:

name: "name1",
children: ["222334444","333344444"]

One approach I tried is to create 2 csv files - one with id & name and other with id, children (if id has two children then it will have two rows). Import the data into two different collections using mongoimport and then use update the collection data using foreach() at second collection having children data.

Please suggest is there any another way to populate this "children" array directly from CSV??

like image 429
tarun jaggi Avatar asked Jun 19 '17 04:06

tarun jaggi

People also ask

How do I use Mongoimport?

mongoimport is located in the bin directory (eg, /mongodb/bin or wherever you installed it). To import data, open a new Terminal/Command Prompt window and enter mongoimport followed by parameters such as database name, collection name, source file name, etc.

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Can we use array in MongoDB?

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1 Answers

To me, the simplest way to work out how to format your "CSV" for mongoimport is to simply create a collection then use mongoexport on it to see what the CSV format should look like.

So create your document from the shell:

  name: "name1",
  children: ["222334444","333344444"]

Then exit the shell and run mongoexport:

 mongoexport -d test -c testcol --fields id,name,children --type csv > out.csv

Which will show you the output as:


Where the "array" is represented with a "string" and using the quotes "" in their escaped form.

That now is a pretty clear place to use mongoimport from, so just "import" now to test:

mongoimport -d test -c newcol --headerline --type csv out.csv

Re-enter the shell and see the document(s) in the new collection:

        "_id" : ObjectId("59476924d6eb0b7d6ac37e02"),
        "id" : 122234343,
        "name" : "name1",
        "children" : "[\"222334444\",\"333344444\"]"

So everything is there, BUT the children are listed as a "string" rather than an array. But this is not really a problem, since we got the data imported and now it's just up us to now actually transform it:

var ops = [];
db.testcol.find({ "children": { "$type": 2} }).forEach(doc => {
  var children = doc.children.split(',').map( e => e.replace(/"|\[|\]|\\/gm,'').toString() );
    "updateOne": {
      "filter": { "_id": doc._id },
      "update": { "$set": { "children": children } }

  if ( ops.length >= 1000 ) {
    ops = [];

if ( ops.length > 0 ) {
  ops = [];

So that is going to iterate anything that was imported into the collection that has a BSON type of 2 which is "string" via the $type query operator.

Then we take the string, split it as an array and strip the other characters to only leave the value you want.

Using .bulkWrite() you commit those updates in an efficient way, rather than writing every single document per request. They are actually sent in batches of 1000 to the server.

The end result is the document in the original wanted form:

        "_id" : ObjectId("5947652ccb237bd6e4e902a5"),
        "id" : "122234343",
        "name" : "name1",
        "children" : [

So that is my "step by step" of how you can work out your CSV format, import it and then "transform" the data into the state that you need it.

like image 105
Neil Lunn Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 16:11

Neil Lunn