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Import and overwrite duplicate rows

I'm importing some rows to my postgres database like so:

psql -U postgres import_test < 1432798324_data

Where my import_test is my database and 1432798324_data file is just plain text formatted like:

COPY cars FROM stdin;
<row data>
<row data>

COPY drivers FROM stdin;
<row data>
<row data>

(I got the format for this plain text file from the answer here).

This method works fine when I'm importing into a blank database. However, if the database isn't blank and during the import any duplicate rows are found I get an error:

ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "car_pkey"

Is there any way I could modify my import command to force an overwrite if duplicates are found? In other words, if I'm importing a row and there's already a row with that id, I want my new row to overwrite it.

like image 969
Robert Avatar asked May 28 '15 08:05


1 Answers

You can import into a temporary table. Then you can delete rows that were already there before you copy over the new data:

create temporary table import_drivers as select * from drivers limit 0;

copy import_drivers from stdin;

begin transaction;

delete  from drivers
where   id in
        select  id
        from    import_drivers

insert  into drivers
select  *
from    import_drivers;

commit transaction;
like image 68
Andomar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
