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Implicit conversion vs. type class

In Scala, we can use at least two methods to retrofit existing or new types. Suppose we want to express that something can be quantified using an Int. We can define the following trait.

Implicit conversion

trait Quantifiable{ def quantify: Int } 

And then we can use implicit conversions to quantify e.g. Strings and Lists.

implicit def string2quant(s: String) = new Quantifiable{    def quantify = s.size  } implicit def list2quantifiable[A](l: List[A]) = new Quantifiable{    val quantify = l.size  } 

After importing these, we can call the method quantify on strings and lists. Note that the quantifiable list stores its length, so it avoids the expensive traversal of the list on subsequent calls to quantify.

Type classes

An alternative is to define a "witness" Quantified[A] that states, that some type A can be quantified.

trait Quantified[A] { def quantify(a: A): Int } 

We then provide instances of this type class for String and List somewhere.

implicit val stringQuantifiable = new Quantified[String] {   def quantify(s: String) = s.size  } 

And if we then write a method that needs to quantify its arguments, we write:

def sumQuantities[A](as: List[A])(implicit ev: Quantified[A]) =    as.map(ev.quantify).sum 

Or using the context bound syntax:

def sumQuantities[A: Quantified](as: List[A]) =    as.map(implicitly[Quantified[A]].quantify).sum 

But when to use which method?

Now comes the question. How can I decide between those two concepts?

What I have noticed so far.

type classes

  • type classes allow the nice context bound syntax
  • with type classes I don't create a new wrapper object on each use
  • the context bound syntax does not work anymore if the type class has multiple type parameters; imagine I want to quantify things not only with integers but with values of some general type T. I would want to create a type class Quantified[A,T]

implicit conversion

  • since I create a new object, I can cache values there or compute a better representation; but should I avoid this, since it might happen several times and an explicit conversion would probably be invoked only once?

What I expect from an answer

Present one (or more) use case(s) where the difference between both concepts matters and explain why I would prefer one over the other. Also explaining the essence of the two concepts and their relation to each other would be nice, even without example.

like image 662
ziggystar Avatar asked Dec 15 '11 18:12


People also ask

What is implicit type conversion?

In Implicit type conversion, Python automatically converts one data type to another data type. This process doesn't need any user involvement. Let's see an example where Python promotes the conversion of the lower data type (integer) to the higher data type (float) to avoid data loss.

What are Scala implicit conversions?

Implicit conversions in Scala are the set of methods that are apply when an object of wrong type is used. It allows the compiler to automatically convert of one type to another. Implicit conversions are applied in two conditions: First, if an expression of type A and S does not match to the expected expression type B.

How do you use implicit conversions?

An implicit conversion from type S to type T is defined by an implicit value which has function type S => T , or by an implicit method convertible to a value of that type. Implicit conversions are applied in two situations: If an expression e is of type S , and S does not conform to the expression's expected type T .

Are implicit conversions bad?

Implicit conversions are evil, for several reasons. They make it hard to see what goes on in code. For instance, they might hide bad surprises like side effects or complex computations without any trace in the source code.

2 Answers

While I don't want to duplicate my material from Scala In Depth, I think it's worth noting that type classes / type traits are infinitely more flexible.

def foo[T: TypeClass](t: T) = ... 

has the ability to search its local environment for a default type class. However, I can override default behavior at any time by one of two ways:

  1. Creating/importing an implicit type class instance in Scope to short-circuit implicit lookup
  2. Directly passing a type class

Here's an example:

def myMethod(): Unit = {    // overrides default implicit for Int    implicit object MyIntFoo extends Foo[Int] { ... }    foo(5)    foo(6) // These all use my overridden type class    foo(7)(new Foo[Int] { ... }) // This one needs a different configuration } 

This makes type classes infinitely more flexible. Another thing is that type classes / traits support implicit lookup better.

In your first example, if you use an implicit view, the compiler will do an implicit lookup for:

Function1[Int, ?] 

Which will look at Function1's companion object and the Int companion object.

Notice that Quantifiable is nowhere in the implicit lookup. This means you have to place the implicit view in a package object or import it into scope. It's more work to remember what's going on.

On the other hand, a type class is explicit. You see what it's looking for in the method signature. You also have an implicit lookup of


which will look in Quantifiable's companion object and Int's companion object. Meaning that you can provide defaults and new types (like a MyString class) can provide a default in their companion object and it will be implicitly searched.

In general, I use type classes. They are infinitely more flexible for the initial example. The only place I use implicit conversions is when using an API layer between a Scala wrapper and a Java library, and even this can be 'dangerous' if you're not careful.

like image 72
jsuereth Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10


One criterion that can come into play is how you want the new feature to "feel" like; using implicit conversions, you can make it look like it is just another method:

"my string".newFeature 

...while using type classes it will always look like it you are calling an external function:

newFeature("my string") 

One thing that you can achieve with type classes and not with implicit conversions is adding properties to a type, rather than to an instance of a type. You can then access these properties even when you do not have an instance of the type available. A canonical example would be:

trait Default[T] { def value : T }  implicit object DefaultInt extends Default[Int] {   def value = 42 }  implicit def listsHaveDefault[T : Default] = new Default[List[T]] {   def value = implicitly[Default[T]].value :: Nil }  def default[T : Default] = implicitly[Default[T]].value  scala> default[List[List[Int]]] resN: List[List[Int]] = List(List(42)) 

This example also shows how the concepts are tightly related: type classes would not be nearly as useful if there were no mechanism to produce infinitely many of their instances; without the implicit method (not a conversion, admittedly), I could only have finitely many types have the Default property.

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Philippe Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10
