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Implementing Max Reduce in Cuda

I've been learning Cuda and I am still getting to grips with parallelism. The problem I am having at the moment is implementing a max reduce on an array of values. This is my kernel

__global__ void max_reduce(const float* const d_array,
                     float* d_max,
                     const size_t elements)
    extern __shared__ float shared[];

    int tid = threadIdx.x;
    int gid = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x) + tid;

    if (gid < elements)
        shared[tid] = d_array[gid];

    for (unsigned int s=blockDim.x/2; s>0; s>>=1) 
        if (tid < s && gid < elements)
            shared[tid] = max(shared[tid], shared[tid + s]);

    if (gid == 0)
        *d_max = shared[tid];

I have implemented a min reduce using the same method (replacing the max function with the min) which works fine.

To test the kernel, I found the min and max values using a serial for loop. The min and max values always come out the same in the kernel but only the min reduce matches up.

Is there something obvious I'm missing/doing wrong?

like image 362
CurtisJC Avatar asked Jun 28 '13 18:06


People also ask

What is shared memory in Cuda?

Shared memory is a powerful feature for writing well optimized CUDA code. Access to shared memory is much faster than global memory access because it is located on chip. Because shared memory is shared by threads in a thread block, it provides a mechanism for threads to cooperate.

What is parallel reduction in HPC?

Parallel reduction refers to algorithms which combine an array of elements producing a single value as a result. Problems eligible for this algorithm include those which involve operators that are associative and commutative in nature. Some of them include. Sum of an array. Minimum/Maximum of an array.

What does you mean by parallel reduction?

One common approach to this problem is parallel reduction. This can be applied for many problems, a min operation being just one of them. It works by using half the number of threads of the elements in the dataset. Every thread calculates the minimum of its own element and some other element.

1 Answers

Your main conclusion in your deleted answer was correct: the kernel you have posted doesn't comprehend the fact that at the end of that kernel execution, you have done a good deal of the overall reduction, but the results are not quite complete. The results of each block must be combined (somehow). As pointed out in the comments, there are a few other issues with your code as well. Let's take a look at a modified version of it:

__device__ float atomicMaxf(float* address, float val)
    int *address_as_int =(int*)address;
    int old = *address_as_int, assumed;
    while (val > __int_as_float(old)) {
        assumed = old;
        old = atomicCAS(address_as_int, assumed,
    return __int_as_float(old);

__global__ void max_reduce(const float* const d_array, float* d_max, 
                                              const size_t elements)
    extern __shared__ float shared[];

    int tid = threadIdx.x;
    int gid = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x) + tid;
    shared[tid] = -FLOAT_MAX;  // 1

    if (gid < elements)
        shared[tid] = d_array[gid];

    for (unsigned int s=blockDim.x/2; s>0; s>>=1) 
        if (tid < s && gid < elements)
            shared[tid] = max(shared[tid], shared[tid + s]);  // 2
    // what to do now?
    // option 1: save block result and launch another kernel
    if (tid == 0)        
        d_max[blockIdx.x] = shared[tid]; // 3
    // option 2: use atomics
    if (tid == 0)
      atomicMaxf(d_max, shared[0]);
  1. As Pavan indicated, you need to initialize your shared memory array. The last block launched may not be a "full" block, if gridDim.x*blockDim.x is greater than elements.
  2. Note that in this line, even though we are checking that the thread operating (gid) is less than elements, when we add s to gid for indexing into the shared memory we can still index outside of the legitimate values copied into shared memory, in the last block. Therefore we need the shared memory initialization indicated in note 1.
  3. As you already discovered, your last line was not correct. Each block produces it's own result, and we must combine them somehow. One method you might consider if the number of blocks launched is small (more on this later) is to use atomics. Normally we steer people away from using atomics since they are "costly" in terms of execution time. However, the other option we are faced with is saving the block result in global memory, finishing the kernel, and then possibly launching another kernel to combine the individual block results. If I have launched a large number of blocks initially (say more than 1024) then if I follow this methodology I might end up launching two additional kernels. Thus the consideration of atomics. As indicated, there is no native atomicMax function for floats, but as indicated in the documentation, you can use atomicCAS to generate any arbitrary atomic function, and I have provided an example of that in atomicMaxf which provides an atomic max for float.

But is running 1024 or more atomic functions (one per block) the best way? Probably not.

When launching kernels of threadblocks, we really only need to launch enough threadblocks to keep the machine busy. As a rule of thumb we want at least 4-8 warps operating per SM, and somewhat more is probably a good idea. But there's no particular benefit from a machine utilization standpoint to launch thousands of threadblocks initially. If we pick a number like 8 threadblocks per SM, and we have at most, say, 14-16 SMs in our GPU, this gives us a relatively small number of 8*14 = 112 threadblocks. Let's choose 128 (8*16) for a nice round number. There's nothing magical about this, it's just enough to keep the GPU busy. If we make each of these 128 threadblocks do additional work to solve the whole problem, we can then leverage our use of atomics without (perhaps) paying too much of a penalty for doing so, and avoid multiple kernel launches. So how would this look?:

__device__ float atomicMaxf(float* address, float val)
    int *address_as_int =(int*)address;
    int old = *address_as_int, assumed;
    while (val > __int_as_float(old)) {
        assumed = old;
        old = atomicCAS(address_as_int, assumed,
    return __int_as_float(old);

__global__ void max_reduce(const float* const d_array, float* d_max, 
                                              const size_t elements)
    extern __shared__ float shared[];

    int tid = threadIdx.x;
    int gid = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x) + tid;
    shared[tid] = -FLOAT_MAX; 

    while (gid < elements) {
        shared[tid] = max(shared[tid], d_array[gid]);
        gid += gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
    gid = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x) + tid;  // 1
    for (unsigned int s=blockDim.x/2; s>0; s>>=1) 
        if (tid < s && gid < elements)
            shared[tid] = max(shared[tid], shared[tid + s]);

    if (tid == 0)
      atomicMaxf(d_max, shared[0]);

With this modified kernel, when creating the kernel launch, we are not deciding how many threadblocks to launch based on the overall data size (elements). Instead we are launching a fixed number of blocks (say, 128, you can modify this number to find out what runs fastest), and letting each threadblock (and thus the entire grid) loop through memory, computing partial max operations on each element in shared memory. Then, in the line marked with comment 1, we must re-set the gid variable to it's initial value. This is actually unnecessary and the block reduction loop code can be further simplified if we guarantee that the size of the grid (gridDim.x*blockDim.x) is less than elements, which is not difficult to do at kernel launch.

Note that when using this atomic method, it's necessary to initialize the result (*d_max in this case) to an appropriate value, like -FLOAT_MAX.

Again, we normally steer people way from atomic usage, but in this case, it's worth considering if we carefully manage it, and it allows us to save the overhead of an additional kernel launch.

For a ninja-level analysis of how to do fast parallel reductions, take a look at Mark Harris' excellent whitepaper which is available with the relevant CUDA sample.

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Robert Crovella Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10

Robert Crovella