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Implementing jQuery's shake effect with animate

I've been given a cut down subset of the jQuery lib one of the key features I'm missing is the .effect functions. I do however have .animate. I was wondering if anyone would have any ideas how I could go about reproducing the animation functions.

I am particularly consious of making this only a few lines as I need to keep the code size down. Which is why the jquery lib is as small as it is and doesnt have the effects functions.

TLDR - I'm trying to replace

 $("#"+id_string).effect( "shake", {}, "fast" );

With something using .animate within jQuery.

like image 405
wmitchell Avatar asked Dec 09 '10 14:12


People also ask

What is shake effect?

Description: Shakes the element multiple times, vertically or horizontally.

What are jQuery effects?

jQuery enables us to add effects on a web page. jQuery effects can be categorized into fading, sliding, hiding/showing and animation effects. jQuery provides many methods for effects on a web page.

2 Answers

So far I have something like this ..

jQuery.fn.shake = function(intShakes, intDistance, intDuration) {
    this.each(function() {
        for (var x=1; x<=intShakes; x++) {
        $(this).animate({left:(intDistance*-1)}, (((intDuration/intShakes)/4)))
    .animate({left:intDistance}, ((intDuration/intShakes)/2))
    .animate({left:0}, (((intDuration/intShakes)/4)));
return this;
like image 157
wmitchell Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10


I like @phpslightly solution so much, I keep using it. So here it is updated to basic jquery plugin form which will return your element

jQuery.fn.shake = function(interval,distance,times){
   interval = typeof interval == "undefined" ? 100 : interval;
   distance = typeof distance == "undefined" ? 10 : distance;
   times = typeof times == "undefined" ? 3 : times;
   var jTarget = $(this);
   for(var iter=0;iter<(times+1);iter++){
      jTarget.animate({ left: ((iter%2==0 ? distance : distance*-1))}, interval);
   return jTarget.animate({ left: 0},interval);

You would then use it like a regular plugin:


Or use the default values (100, 10, 3):

like image 14
el producer Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

el producer