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Implementing horizon charts in matplotlib

I'm trying to implement horizon charts in matplotlib (see: http://square.github.com/cubism/)

The basic idea is that you display a time series in narrow aspect ratio, and as values increase (beyond the y-axis limit), they start back up from the bottom in a darker color (think of old Atari games when you'd go past the top of the screen and pop out in the bottom).

My basic approach is to divide the y-data into chucks and plot each vertical group on a new axes using ax.twinx() and setting the limits appropriately.

For positive or negative data alone, this seems to be working well.


positive horizon chart


negative bar chart

But for some reason, doing both screws up:

# setup the environment
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, np.pi*4, 137)
y = (2*np.random.normal(size=137) + x**2)

# reflect everything around the origin
xx = np.hstack([-1*x[::-1], x])
yy = np.hstack([-1*y[::-1], y])

# function to do the plot
def horizonPlot(ax, x, y, nfolds=3, inverty=False, color='CornflowerBlue'):
    axes = [ax]
    if inverty:
        ylims = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), nfolds + 1)[::-1]
        ylims = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), nfolds + 1)

    for n in range(1, nfolds):
        newax = axes[-1].twinx()

    for n, ax in enumerate(axes):        
        ax.fill_between(x, y, y2=ylims[n], facecolor=color, alpha=1.0/nfolds, zorder=n)
        ax.set_ylim([ylims[n], ylims[n+1]])

        if inverty:

    ax.set_xlim([x.min(), x.max()])
    return fig

fig, baseax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.5,1.5))
posax = baseax.twinx()
negax = posax.twinx()
fig = horizonPlot(posax, xx, np.ma.masked_less(yy, 0), inverty=False, color='DarkGreen')
fig = horizonPlot(negax, xx, np.ma.masked_greater(yy, 0), inverty=True,   color='CornflowerBlue')
for ax in fig.get_axes():


The bad chart (notice the lack of multiple layers on the positive side):

both horizon charts

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

like image 222
Paul H Avatar asked Mar 01 '13 22:03

Paul H

1 Answers

I actually do not know, why yours is not working, because on my computer it works fine. But since I am really interested in this plotting, I tried to implement it on my own without all this fancy twinx stuff.

I just plot these areas on top of eachother, since this is actually the great thing about the plot. Thus I do not need to adjust the alpha, they just add up.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

def layer(y,height):
    if y>0:
        if y-height>=0:
            y-= pos
        else : 
            pos = y
    elif y<0:
        if y+height<=0:
            y += neg
        else : 
            neg = -y
    return pos,neg

def horizonPlot(x,y,height=50.0,colors=['CornflowerBlue','DarkGreen']):
    alpha = .10
    vlayer = np.vectorize(layer)
    while (y != 0).any():
        l = vlayer(y,height)
        y -= l[0];y += l[1]
        fill_between(x,0,l[0],color=colors[0], alpha=alpha)
        fill_between(x,height-l[1],height,color=colors[1], alpha=alpha)

def main():
    x = np.linspace(0, np.pi*4, 137)
    y = (2*np.random.normal(size=137) + x**2)
    xx = np.hstack([-1*x[::-1], x])
    yy = np.hstack([-1*y[::-1], y])

This looks like the following on my machine. Hope it works on yours, but I just use basic plotting methods.

enter image description here

like image 144
Milla Well Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Milla Well