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Implementing Event Subscription with Blazor ClientSide Application

Our Blazor App is running on preview9.

I am trying to implement a .razor component that listens to an event from a NotificationService we have written to refresh the view whenever the service is invoked, but I seem to be missing something;

I have my service Interface (reduced for brevity);

public interface INotificationService
    event Action OnChange;
    Task<ServiceResponse<Notification>> AddNotificationAsync(Notification notification);

and in my implementation I invoke the OnChange event (again reduced for brevity);

public async Task<ServiceResponse<Notification>> AddNotificationAsync(Notification notification)


Where StateChanged() is;

public event Action OnChange;

private void StateChanged() => OnChange?.Invoke();

In my Blazor.Client I resolved INotificationService in ConfigureServices as follows;

services.AddScoped<INotificationService, NotificationService>();

I then inject the service into the component I want to subscribe to the OnChange() event;

 @inject INotificationService NotificationService

 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
     NotificationService.OnChange += StateHasChanged;

And then in my other razor page I again inject the same service and call the AddNotificationAsync method;

@inject INotificationService NotificationService

  await NotificationService.AddNotificationAsync(
                            new Notification { 
                                Level = NotificationLevel.Success, 
                                Text = $"Agreement Type with Id = {agreementType.Id} has been successfully added.".ToString()

However, calling t NotificationService.AddNotificationAsync is not triggering the OnChange and then the StateHasChanged of the component, as the component is not refreshing? Any ideas what I am doing wrong here please?

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Matthew Flynn Avatar asked Sep 24 '19 12:09

Matthew Flynn

1 Answers

Following Microsoft docs Invoke component methods externally to update state, you should to change:

 @inject INotificationService NotificationService

 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
     NotificationService.OnChange += StateHasChanged;


 @inject INotificationService NotificationService

 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
     NotificationService.OnChange += OnNotify;

 public async Task OnNotify()
    await InvokeAsync(() =>

In your code, you are invoking the component's StateHasChanged method outside of Blazor's SynchronizationContext.

InvokeAsync is used to switch to the correct context and queue a render.

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dani herrera Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11

dani herrera