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Implementing a synchronization barrier in Ruby

I'm trying to "replicate" the behaviour of CUDA's __synchtreads() function in Ruby. Specifically, I have a set of N threads that need to execute some code, then all wait on each other at mid-point in execution before continuing with the rest of their business. For example:

x = 0

a = Thread.new do
  x = 1

b = Thread.new do 
  # x should have been changed
  raise if x == 0

[a,b].each { |t| t.join }

What tools do I need to use to accomplish this? I tried using a global hash, and then sleeping until all the threads have set a flag indicating they're done with the first part of the code. I couldn't get it to work properly; it resulted in hangs and deadlock. I think I need to use a combination of Mutex and ConditionVariable but I am unsure as to why/how.

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user2398029 Avatar asked Dec 07 '12 15:12


1 Answers

Let's implement a synchronization barrier. It has to know the number of threads it will handle, n, up front. During first n - 1 calls to sync the barrier will cause a calling thread to wait. The call number n will wake all threads up.

class Barrier
  def initialize(count)
    @mutex = Mutex.new
    @cond = ConditionVariable.new
    @count = count

  def sync
    @mutex.synchronize do
      @count -= 1
      if @count > 0
        @cond.wait @mutex

Whole body of sync is a critical section, i.e. it cannot be executed by two threads concurrently. Hence the call to Mutex#synchronize.

When the decreased value of @count is positive the thread is frozen. Passing the mutex as an argument to the call to ConditionVariable#wait is critical to prevent deadlocks. It causes the mutex to be unlocked before freezing the thread.

A simple experiment starts 1k threads and makes them add elements to an array. Firstly they add zeros, then they synchronize and add ones. The expected result is a sorted array with 2k elements, of which 1k are zeros and 1k are ones.

mtx = Mutex.new
arr = []
num = 1000
barrier = Barrier.new num
num.times.map do
  Thread.start do
    mtx.synchronize { arr << 0 }
    mtx.synchronize { arr << 1 }
end .map &:join;
# Prints true. See it break by deleting `barrier.sync`.
puts [
  arr.sort == arr,
  arr.count == 2 * num,
  arr.count(&:zero?) == num,
  arr.uniq == [0, 1],

As a matter of fact, there's a gem named barrier which does exactly what I described above.

On a final note, don't use sleep for waiting in such circumstances. It's called busy waiting and is considered a bad practice.

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Jan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10
