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Implementation of Collection.stream()

I have been working on JDK 1.8 for a few days now where I came across some piece of code which was similar to this:

List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5);

Now, easy and clean as it may appear to the people who have been working with streams (java.util.stream), I could not find the the actual class that implements the java.util.Collection.stream() method.

I have the following questions, when I say list.stream():

  1. Where do I get the java.util.stream.Stream from?
  2. How did they implement it without actually "disturbing" the existing collections?(assuming that they did not touch them)

I did try to look through the documentations of java.util.AbstractCollection and java.util.AbstractList but was unable to find it.

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Adit A. Pillai Avatar asked May 30 '17 09:05

Adit A. Pillai

2 Answers

Java 8 allows the definition of default methods in interfaces.

Collection<E> then defines :

default Stream<E> stream() {
    return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false);

That's how they added it.

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Jeremy Grand Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Jeremy Grand

As others pointed out, the .stream() method is implemented as a default method in the Collection interface itself, as you can see it in the method signature in the official documentation:

default Stream<E> stream()

How the stream interface is implemented is an implementation detail of the collection. However, implementing the same heavy Stream interface for every collection would be a lot of work and duplication, so they use an intermediate abstraction called Spliterator.

This SO thread on .stream() might be worth reading as well.

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Tamas Hegedus Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Tamas Hegedus