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Implement SSO using CAS + Spring Security

I'm trying to implement SSO across several web applications using CAS and Spring Security. Expected case:
CAS - http:// localhost:8080/cas/
App A protected content - http: //localhost:8081/cas-client1/secure/index.html
App B protected content - http: //localhost:8081/cas-client2/secure/index.html

1) When user access cas-client1, CAS login form will be prompted and trigger authentication.
2) The same user access cas-client2, previous login should be recognized and no login form will be prompted

However, I am failed to implement step 2. CAS login form still prompted to user and therefore requires double login. Is there any wrong setting in my Spring Security configuration:

  <security:http entry-point-ref="casAuthenticationEntryPoint" auto-config="true">
    <security:intercept-url pattern="/secure/**" access="ROLE_USER" />
    <security:custom-filter position="CAS_FILTER" ref="casAuthenticationFilter" />

  <bean id="casAuthenticationEntryPoint" class="org.springframework.security.cas.web.CasAuthenticationEntryPoint">
    <property name="loginUrl" value="http://localhost:8080/cas/login" />
    <property name="serviceProperties" ref="serviceProperties" />

  <bean id="serviceProperties" class="org.springframework.security.cas.ServiceProperties">
    <!-- http://localhost:8081/cas-client2 for app 2-->
    <property name="service" value="http://localhost:8081/cas-client1/j_spring_cas_security_check" />

  <security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
    <security:authentication-provider ref="casAuthenticationProvider" />

  <bean id="casAuthenticationFilter" class="org.springframework.security.cas.web.CasAuthenticationFilter">
    <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
    <property name="authenticationFailureHandler">
      <bean class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler">
        <property name="defaultFailureUrl" value="/casfailed.jsp" />

  <bean id="casAuthenticationProvider" class="org.springframework.security.cas.authentication.CasAuthenticationProvider">
    <property name="userDetailsService" ref="userService" />
    <property name="serviceProperties"  ref="serviceProperties" />
    <property name="ticketValidator">
      <bean class="org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ServiceTicketValidator">
        <constructor-arg index="0" value="http://localhost:8080/cas" />
    <property name="key" value="an_id_for_this_auth_provider_only" />

  <security:user-service id="userService">
    <security:user name="wilson" password="wilson" authorities="ROLE_USER" />
like image 924
Wilson Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 09:07


People also ask

How does CAS SSO work?

Just like any other SSO protocol, CAS allows a user to access multiple applications by providing the user credentials to a central authentication server (CAS server) only once. The CAS authentication flow mainly involves two parties.

Does CAS support SAML?

CAS can act as a SAML2 identity provider accepting authentication requests and producing SAML assertions. If you intend to allow CAS to delegate authentication to an external SAML2 identity provider, you need to review this guide.

What is CAS in Spring Security?

In this tutorial, we'll be looking at the Apereo Central Authentication Service (CAS) and we'll see how a Spring Boot service can use it for authentication. CAS is an enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) solution that is also open source.

1 Answers

The problem is finally solved. My CAS is using HTTP and therefore need to set secure cookies to false.

Modify ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml

like image 116
Wilson Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
