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Implement Language Auto-Completion based on ANTLR4 Grammar

I am wondering if are there any examples (googling I haven't found any) of TAB auto-complete solutions for Command Line Interface (console), that use ANTLR4 grammars for predicting the next term (like in a REPL model).

I've written a PL/SQL grammar for an open source database, and now I would like to implement a command line interface to the database that provides the user the feature of completing the statements according to the grammar, or eventually discover the proper database object name to use (eg. a table name, a trigger name, the name of a column, etc.).

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.

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Antonello Avatar asked May 06 '16 09:05


2 Answers

Actually it is possible! (Of course, based on the complexity of your grammar.) Problem with auto-completion and ANTLR is that you do not have complete expression and you want to parse it. If you would have complete expression, it wont be any big problem to know what kind of element is at what place and to know what can be used at such a place. But you do not have complete expression and you cannot parse the incomplete one. So what you need to do is to wrap the input into some wrapper/helper that will complete the expression to create a parse-able one. Notice that nothing that is added only to complete the expression is important to you - you will only ask for members up to last really written character.


A) Create the wrapper that will change this (excel formula) '=If(' into '=If()'

B) Parse the wrapped input

C) Realize that you are in the IF function at the first parameter

D) Return all that can go into that place.

It actually works, I have completed intellisense editor for several simple languages. There is much more infrastructure than this, but the basic idea is as I wrote it. Only be careful, writing the wrapper is not easy if not impossible if the grammar is really complex. In that case look at Papa Carlo project. http://lakhin.com/projects/papa-carlo/

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Divisadero Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10


As already mentioned auto completion is based on the follow set at a given position, simply because this is what we defined in the grammar to be valid language. But that's only a small part of the task. What you need is context (as Sam Harwell wrote: it's a semantic process, not a syntactic one). And this information is independent of the parser. And since a parser is made to parse valid input (and during auto completion you have most of the time invalid input), it's not the right tool for this task.

Knowing what token can follow at a given position is useful to control the entire process (e.g. you don't want to show suggestions if only a string can appear), but is most of the time not what you actually want to suggest (except for keywords). If an ID is possible at the current position, it doesn't tell you what ID is actually allowed (a variable name? a namespace? etc.). So what you need is essentially 3 things:

  1. A symbol table that provides you with all possible names sorted by scope. Creating this depends heavily on the parsed language. But this is a task where a parser is very helpful. You may want to cache this info as it is time consuming to run this analysis step.
  2. Determine in which scope you are when invoking auto completion. You could use a parser as well here (maybe in conjunction with step 1).
  3. Determine what type of symbol(s) you want to show. Many people think this is where a parser can give you all necessary information (the follow set). But as mentioned above that's not true (keywords aside).

In my blog post Universal Code Completion using ANTLR3 I especially addressed the 3rd step. There I don't use a parser, but simulate one, only that I don't stop when a parser would, but when the caret position is reached (so it is essential that the input must be valid syntax up to that point). After reaching the caret the collection process starts, which not only collects terminal nodes (for keywords) but looks at the rule names to learn what needs to be collected too. Using specific rule names is my way there to put context into the grammar, so when the collection code finds a rule table_ref it knows that it doesn't need to go further down the rule chain (to the ultimate ID token), but instead can use this information to provide a list of tables as suggestion.

With ANTLR4 things might become even simpler. I haven't used it myself yet, but the parser interpreter could be a big help here, as it essentially doing what I do manually in my implementation (with the ANTLR3 backend).

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Mike Lischke Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Mike Lischke