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ImageMagick: reduce image size

I am using ImageMagick to reduce the image resolution, height and width.

I have noticed a few things. When I am changing resolution at "Image Size" through Photoshop (version 7) from 300dpi to 150dpi image height and width automatically change.

With ImageMagick however I am not getting such variations. For example, if image contains 878 width and 179 height at 300dpi, when changing it to 150 dpi, automatically the image width changing to 439 and height 89 respectively.

Can any one support me how to obtain such changes through ImageMagick.

like image 963
user4156827 Avatar asked Jan 02 '15 10:01


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1 Answers

The dpi setting is not really relevant in most imaging applications/areas, until the point at which you want to print an image.

Do you really need to set it? I mean, if you want to half the size of an image, just use ImageMagick and do:

convert input.jpg -resize 50x50% output.jpg

and ignore the dpi.

like image 181
Mark Setchell Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10

Mark Setchell