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ImageMagick or GhostScript: convert a multi-page TIFF to a multi-page PDF

I need to convert a multi-page TIFF to a multi-page PDF. I have access to ImageMagick and GhostScript (in *nix environment). How do I do this? Thanks.


It turns out that my test file was wrong (it didn't have multiple pages), which made me think my command was wrong. This seems to work for me: convert input.tif output.pdf

like image 398
StackOverflowNewbie Avatar asked Jan 17 '11 23:01


People also ask

Can ImageMagick convert PDF?

ImageMagick is a great customizable tool for converting PDF files to individual image files with a single command.

Does ImageMagick use Ghostscript?

The ghostscript interpreter is used by ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick to convert Postscript and similar formats into images.

1 Answers

convert multipage.tiff -density 300x300 -compress jpeg multipage.pdf

This should work, though there can be some issues.

like image 114
Orbling Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
