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imagecreatefromwebp() -> imagejpeg() results in blue channel missing

I am losing color information, seemingly the blue channel, from an image after using GD to read from the WebP version and output a JPEG. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?

Original Image

enter image description here


$pic = imagecreatefromwebp('https://lh4.ggpht.com/uaLB-tbci94IubJJhDZ4n6vJwGF4i9MpFLXl28LBHjVzLIy-K6fhoSILbM4yJcKqq9I=h900-rw');
imagejpeg($pic, './example.jpg', 80);

Resulting Image

pic here http://savepic.ru/7812459.png

like image 590
emtecif Avatar asked Sep 20 '15 19:09


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1 Answers

This looks like PHP bug #70102, "imagecreatefromwebm() shifts colors".

It is fixed in PHP >= 5.6.12 (release notes).

Your script works correctly for me (there is no yellow tint) in PHP 5.6.13

like image 164
timclutton Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10
