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Image Classification - Detecting an image is cartoon-like

I have a large amount of JPEG thumbnail images ranging in size from 120x90 to 320x240 and I would like to classify them as either Real Life-like or Cartoon-like.

How might one do this using ImageMagick's utilities: convert, compare, identify? Or are there other programs out there that will do the trick?

like image 879
kingb Avatar asked Oct 05 '09 04:10


1 Answers

I guess your best bit is the radio between histogram and number of pixel. A cartoon-line image trend to have less number of color then the real-life one.

You can use

COLORS=`convert picture.jpg  -format %c histogram:info:- | wc -l`

to count how many colors the picture have. And use a command like:

WIDTH=`jpeginfo picture.jpg | sed -r "s/.* ([0-9]+) x.*/\1/"`


HEIGHT=`jpeginfo picture.jpg | sed -r 's/.*x ([0-9]+)  .*/\1/'`

to extract width and height.

Then use this command to find the ratio:

echo $WIDTH $HEIGHT $COLORS | awk '{ print $3/($1 * $2);}'

Then it is up to you to define what ratio is qualified as cartoon-like and what is not. For Cartoon-like, the ratio is mostly lower than the real-life one.

Just a thought.

EDIT: I just saw your comment that you don't want to know how just an exiting one. So just ignore my answer then.

EDIT 2: I modify it a bit to make it easier to see.

NOTE 1: You should notice that I swap the ratio as the number of pixels is always much bigger than the number of colors so the previous program results in a lower number. That is why you can hardly distinguish them.

NOTE2: I also change from "jpeginfo" to "identity" as jpeginfo can only do jpg and it is not a part of ImageMagick.



IMAGE=$1 COLORS=convert $IMAGE -format %c histogram:info:- | wc -l WIDTH=<b>identify</b> $IMAGE | sed -r "s/.* ([0-9]+)x[0-9]+ .*/\1/" HEIGHT=<b>identify</b> $IMAGE | sed -r 's/.* [0-9]+x([0-9]+) .*/\1/' RATIO=echo $WIDTH $HEIGHT $COLORS | awk '{ print <b>($1 * $2)/$3</b>;}' echo $RATIO | awk '{ printf "%020.5f",$1 }'



cd images FILES=ls for FILE in $FILES; do IsIMAGE=identify $FILE 2>&1 | grep " no decode delegate " | grep -o "no" if [ "$IsIMAGE" = "no" ]; then continue; fi

IsIMAGE=`identify $FILE 2>&1 | grep " Improper image header " | grep -o "Improper"`
if [ "$IsIMAGE" = "Improper" ]; then continue; fi

echo `.././CheckCartoon.sh $FILE` $FILE


cd ..

Now for testing you copy files here.

Pic 1: ~/test/images/Cartoon-01.jpg

Pic 2: ~/test/images/Cartoon-02.png

Pic 3: ~/test/images/Cartoon-03.gif

Pic 4: ~/test/images/Real-01.jpg

Pic 5: ~/test/images/Real-02.jpg

Pic 6: ~/test/images/Real-03.jpg


Then I run ./CheckAll.sh | sort (in test folder). Here is want I got.

00000000000003.31362 Real-03.jpg
00000000000004.61574 Real-02.jpg
00000000000009.89920 Cartoon-01.jpg
00000000000013.05870 Real-01.jpg
00000000000020.55470 Cartoon-03.gif
00000000000032.21900 Cartoon-02.png

As you can see the result is generally good. You can use number like 15 as a separation.

Cartoon-01.jpg is a drawing but it looks like a quite realistic one so it may be easily confused. Also Real-01.jpg is a picture of my girlfriend standing in front of an ocean so the number of colors is less than usual. This come to no surprise why the confusion happens.

What I show you here is still a raw theory. If you really want a conclusive indication you may have to find number of metrics and compare them. For example, the degree of local contrast.

Hope this will helps.

like image 55
NawaMan Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 08:12
