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'ILoggingBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddFile'

ILoggingBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddFile' and the best extension method overload 'FileLoggerExtensions.AddFile(ILoggerFactory, IConfigurationSection)' requires a receiver type of 'ILoggerFactory'

Note the line in the code marked with <== Exception.

According to everything I can find online this should work, but I get the error above.

I can't find anything to suggest what the problem is.

Probably something daft. Any suggestions gratefully received!

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace my.namespace
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)

        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                .ConfigureLogging(logging =>
                    logging.AddFile("..."); // <== Exception
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
like image 804
CompanyDroneFromSector7G Avatar asked Oct 07 '19 15:10


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1 Answers

Found the answer. I was using an earlier version of the package.

The one I needed was still a dev version, although dated 2018.

> Install-Package Serilog.Extensions.Logging.File -Version 2.0.0-dev-00024

like image 128
CompanyDroneFromSector7G Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10
