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IIS7 Profiling

Is there a way to profile IIS7? (freeware?)

  • Number of connections
  • Bandwidth usage
  • Errors (Event Viewer?) -...

thx, Lieven Cardoen

ps: Something similar to mssqlserver profiling

like image 734
Lieven Cardoen Avatar asked Feb 09 '09 14:02

Lieven Cardoen

People also ask

How do I profile a web application in IIS?

Under Choose application type to profile, click ASP.NET web application (IIS). Select the ASP.NET web application (URL) for the root directory of the web application that you want to profile. To load a list of currently-running sites from IIS into the dropdown list, click .

Why can't I use other profilers with IIS on my computer?

If you installed an early access build of the ANTS Performance Profiler continuous profiler IIS module, other profilers - including the desktop ANTS Performance Profiler product - will be unable to profile applications running in IIS on this computer. To re-enable other profilers with IIS, uninstall the IIS Profiler Module:

What happens if I restart IIs after profiling?

Note that restarting IIS stops IIS and only restarts the application that you are profiling. Other sites running on the same IIS instance (including any other sites on which your web app depends) will not be present when IIS restarts. If your application takes too long to start, IIS might not restart correctly.

What is IIS 7 and above?

IIS 7 and above is the product name used to refer to the versions of Internet Information Services (IIS) that are included in some editions of Windows Server® 2008, Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows Vista®, and Windows® 7. IIS 7.0 is the Web Server (IIS) role in Windows Server 2008, and the Web server in Windows Vista.

1 Answers

There's nothing quite like MSSQL's profiler, but a set of tools:

  • Perfmon will show you the # of current connections per website. Perfmon.msc, web service, current connections, select website, click add. Don't like the interactive nature of perfmon? No problem, use logman.exe, a nice CLI for perfmon.

  • Bandwidth usage you can get from your log files if you enable bytes sent & bytes received in your iis log files. This is also available via performance counters - web service, bytes sent/received/sec. I think the two complement each other fairly well.

  • IIS7 has a new feature called Failed Request Tracing. You can tell it to log on all 500's,or any .aspx page that takes 15 seconds to run, or based on event severity. It saves all of this information in an XML file for you under \inetpub so it's easily parseable, and also gives you a nice XSLT to view it in your browser and drill down if you like.


like image 94
r3x Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10
