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IIS Server & ASP.Net Core - 500.19 with error code 0x8007000d on httpplatformhandler tag

People also ask

What is IIS server used for?

Internet Information Services (IIS) Internet Information Services (IIS) is a flexible, general-purpose web server from Microsoft that runs on Windows systems to serve requested HTML pages or files. An IIS web server accepts requests from remote client computers and returns the appropriate response.

What is my IIS server?

Using Run Command Select windows +R key and type inetmgr and press OK. It will open the IIS manager window . In the same way go to Help ->About Internet Information Services and you will get the version installed on your computer.

Is IIS part of Windows Server?

IIS 10.0 version 1809 a.k.a. version 10.0. 17763 is included in Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10 October Update released 2018-10-02.

I was getting this error. I fixed this error by installing the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle (vs the Runtime Bundle), as described in instructions like this one.

Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle

Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle on the hosting system. The bundle installs the .NET Core Runtime, .NET Core Library, and the ASP.NET Core Module. The module creates the reverse proxy between IIS and the Kestrel server. If the system doesn't have an Internet connection, obtain and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable before installing the .NET Core Hosting Bundle.

As @Patrick says you can download the bundle installables from this link.

After installing that Module, my app served (i.e. no 500 error).

I see @Jørgen made this comment on OP already, so he gets credit.

EDIT Please confirm you install the Hosting bundle vs the Runtime Bundle per comment by @MDave

Did you install the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle? This is needed for IIS to work as a reverse proxy for the .net core libraries. You'll find the link in this article: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/publishing/iis I had the same problem before installing this on my dev machine. – Jørgen Tvedt Mar 28 at 6:31

The only solution worked for me was to install 2 more items from Microsoft dot net core library:




This worked for me, delete file: project.lock.json and run dotnet restore, restart visual studio.