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IIS 7.5 + enable PUT and DELETE for RESTFul service, extensionless





i am trying to understand how IIS 7.5 handles POST and PUT request.

I am writing a RESTful service using OpenRasta framework. The POST operation works without any problem, but the PUT operation for the same URL does not. It returns error like the following

Detailed Error Information Module: IIS Web Core Notification: MapRequestHandler Handler: StaticFile Error Code: 0x80070002 

the url is like this following "http://localhost/MyService/Resource.Something.manifest"

Same setup works fine in visual studio development IIS.


Basically the default ExtensionlessUrlHandler does not accept PUT and DELETE verb. Just need to add them.

<add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_64bit" path="*." verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll" resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Script" preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64" responseBufferLimit="0" /> 
like image 939
Eatdoku Avatar asked Jul 18 '11 20:07


People also ask

How do I enable Post in IIS?

First, make sure you have all handler mappings correctly, then your php pages should be handled by PHP things correctly. For HTML pages, if they are in fact PHP, map them to PHP also so that POST requests can be handled.

What is WebDAV module IIS?

The <webdav> element contains the settings that configure Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) for Internet Information Services (IIS) 7. WebDAV is an Internet-based open standard that enables editing Web sites over HTTP and HTTPS connections.

2 Answers

To get PUT and DELETE to be accepted by IIS 7.5 for a PHP 5.4 fast-CGI driven REST API I had to disable the WebDAV-module. Otherwise the WebDAV module intervenes the HTTP requests using PUT or DELETE. To get this working was however a bit confusing and I might have missed some steps or done it in another order.

These lines are placed as children of the <system.webServer>-element in web.config in the application root.

<modules>     <remove name="WebDAVModule" /> </modules> <handlers>     <remove name="WebDAV" /> </handlers> 

Hopes this might spare some frustration. It seems like the default setting for the server is to accept any HTTP verb not listed - see settings under Request filtering -> HTTP Verbs -> Edit feature Settings. One may consider to explicitly add the VERBS that are to be allowed. The verbs allowed may be specified appending this snippet, also as a child of <system.webServer>.

    <security>         <requestFiltering>             <verbs allowUnlisted="false">                 <add verb="GET" allowed="true" />                 <add verb="POST" allowed="true" />                 <add verb="DELETE" allowed="true" />                 <add verb="PUT" allowed="true" />             </verbs>         </requestFiltering>     </security> 

On a client machine one can uninstall the WebDAV module from here:

Control Panel -> Uninstall Program -> Turn Windows features on or off -> IIS -> World Wide Web Services -> Common HTTP feautre -> WebDAV Publishing 

The last measure to get it working was by editing applicationhost.config found in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config. Within <system.webServer> -> <handlers> you will see a php entry that has just verb="GET,HEAD,POST - amend it to add the verbs you require, e.g.:

<add name="PHP54_via_FastCGI" path="*.php" verb="GET,HEAD,PUT,DELETE,POST"/>                                                                  |                                                                  |                                                                  | append verbs here  ----------------------------------------------| 
like image 169
John P Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

John P

1.Go to IIS Manager.
2.Click on your app.
3.Go to "Handler Mappings".
4.In the feature list, double click on "WebDAV".
5.Click on "Request Restrictions".
6.In the tab "Verbs" select "All verbs" .
7.Press OK.

like image 34
Jalaa Zahwa Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Jalaa Zahwa