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Ignoring RegisterValidateFunction() for flag pointer 0x10ef76ec0: no flag found at that address in Xcode




How can I fix the issue?

W0721 13:54:19.105928 1 commandlineflags.cc:1503] Ignoring RegisterValidateFunction() for flag pointer 0x10ef76ec0: no flag found at that address

like image 333
onkar dhanlobhe Avatar asked Jul 21 '18 08:07

onkar dhanlobhe

2 Answers

This problem occurs because your code try to using non-existing pointer in cocoa pods. You may using framework that using cocoa pods and install needed pods on the main project.

The solution is to make cocoa pods version similar in both framework and project , run pod update from the terminal in both framework and project or specify every pod version to be same in both


framework pod file :

pod 'GooglePlaces' '~> 3.1.0'

project pod file :

pod 'GooglePlaces' '~> 3.1.0'

I hope this solve your problem.

like image 60
abed Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09


I've seen this error when I had a UITableView in a view controller and:

  1. I connected the DataSource and Delegate for table view in the Storyboard.
  2. I did NOT declare the UIViewController as UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource.

I usually assign delegate/datasource in code (which would have given me a warning).

like image 41
Joe149 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
