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Ignore imaginary roots in sympy





I'm using sympy to solve a polynomial:

x = Symbol('x')
y = solve(int(row["scaleA"])*x**3 + int(row["scaleB"])*x**2 + int(row["scaleC"])*x + int(row["scaleD"]), x)

y is a list of possible solutions. However, I need to ignore the imaginary ones and only use the real solutions. Also, I would like the solution as a value not an expression. Right now it looks like:

[-2/3 - 55**(1/3)*(-1/2 - sqrt(3)*I/2)/3, -2/3 - 55**(1/3)*(-1/2 + sqrt(3)*I/2)/3, -55**(1/3)/3 - 2/3]

I need the last expression's value (-2.22756). Are there functions in sympy to simplify this?

like image 824
Kreuzade Avatar asked Mar 04 '13 20:03


3 Answers

If you set x to be real, SymPy will only give you the real solutions

x = Symbol('x', real=True)
solve(..., x)
like image 190
asmeurer Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11


solve() doesn’t have a consistent output for various types of solutions, please use solveset(Eq,x,domain=S.Reals) :

 from sympy import ImageSet, S 
 x = Symbol('x')
 y = solveset(int(row["scaleA"])*x**3 + int(row["scaleB"])*x**2+int(row["scaleC"])*x + int(row["scaleD"]), x, domain=S.Reals)


like image 39
PyRick Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11


This is exactly the sort of thing that real_roots is made for and is especially applicable to your case where the coefficients are integers:

x = Symbol('x')
eq = int(row["scaleA"])*x**3 + int(row["scaleB"])*x**2 + int(row["scaleC"])*x + int(row["scaleD"])
y = real_roots(eq, x)  # gives [CRootOf(...), ...]

The value of CRootOf instances can be evaluated to whatever precision you need and should not contain any imaginary part. For example,

>>> [i.n(12) for i in real_roots(3*x**3 - 2*x**2 + 7*x - 9, x)]

Note: As I recall, solve will send back roots that it wasn't able to confirm met the assumptions (i.e. if they weren't found to be false for the assumption then they are returned). Also, if you want more consistent output from solve, @PyRick, set the flag dict=True.

like image 3
smichr Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 22:11
