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Ignore <br> with CSS?



People also ask

Can we remove BR tag using CSS?

Solution: It is not possible to remove just <p> tags without removing content inside.

What can I use instead of Br in CSS?

There are many ways to break the line without using <br> tag. The used properties are listed below: white-space: pre; It is used to make elements acts like <pre> tag. display: block; It sets the display property of elements to block.

How do you stop BR in HTML?

You just put a space in the HTML before or after the <br> tag, right?

Can you use BR in CSS?

A line-break can be added in HTML, using only CSS, by employing the pseudo-class ::after or ::before . In the stylesheet, we use these pseudo-classes, with the HTML class or id, before or after the place where we want to insert a line-break.

With css, you can "hide" the br tags and they won't have an effect:

br {
    display: none;

If you only want to hide some within a specific heading type, just make your css more specific.

h3 br {
    display: none;

Note: This solution only works for Webkit browsers, which incorrectly apply pseudo-elements to self-closing tags.

As an addendum to above answers it is worth noting that in some cases one needs to insert a space instead of merely ignoring <br>:

For instance the above answers will turn

Monday<br>05 August


Monday05 August

as I had verified while I tried to format my weekly event calendar. A space after "Monday" is preferred to be inserted. This can be done easily by inserting the following in the CSS:

br  {
    content: ' '
br:after {
    content: ' '

This will make

Monday<br>05 August

look like

Monday 05 August

You can change the content attribute in br:after to ', ' if you want to separate by commas, or put anything you want within ' ' to make it the delimiter! By the way

Monday, 05 August

looks neat ;-)

See here for a reference.

As in the above answers, if you want to make it tag-specific, you can. As in if you want this property to work for tag <h3>, just add a h3 each before br and br:after, for instance.

It works most generally for a pseudo-tag.

If you add in the style

    display: none;

Then this will work. Not sure if it will work in older versions of IE though.

This is how I do it:

br { 
    display: inline;
    content: ' ';

You can use span elements instead of the br if you want the white space method to work, as it depends on pseudo-elements which are "not defined" for replaced elements.


   To break lines<span class="line-break">in a paragraph,</span><span>don't use</span><span>the 'br' element.</span>


span {white-space: pre;}

span:after {content: ' ';}

span.line-break {display: block;}

span.line-break:after {content: none;}


The line break is simply achieved by setting the appropriate span element to display:block.

By using IDs and/ or Classes in your HTML markup you can easily target every single or combination of span elements by CSS or use CSS selectors like nth-child().

So you can e.g. define different break points by using media queries for a responsive layout.

And you can also simply add/ remove/ toggle classes by Javascript (jQuery).

The "advantage" of this method is its robustness - works in every browser that supports pseudo-elements (see: Can I use - CSS Generated content).

As an alternative it is also possible to add a line break via pseudo-elements:

span.break:before {  
    content: "\A";
    white-space: pre;


For me looks better like this:

Some text, Some text, Some text

br {
  display: inline;
  content: '';

br:after {
  content: ', ';
  display: inline-block;
<div style="display:block">
  <span>Some text</span>
  <span>Some text</span>
  <span>Some text</span>