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Iframe always showing scroll bars in IE7

Having an annoying issue in IE7. I have a website where, at the bottom of every page theres an Iframe, and for the life of me I cannot get the scroll bars to hide. This is only in IE7, every other browser I have tested is fine.

I have scrolling="no" and set overflow:hidden; still not working though.

If anyones got anything they could suggest I'd be very greatful

http://www.keyscape.co.uk is the site

Cheers Martin

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Martin Bacon Avatar asked May 24 '10 16:05

Martin Bacon

2 Answers

adding scroll="no" to the body of my iframe target page worked for me. In total, here's the additional cruft I've added to my iframe for various browsers, perhaps this will help someone else:

iFrame source HTML:

<body style="overflow:hidden;" scroll="no">

iFrame tag on page:

<iframe width="280" height="196" src="http://dev.example.com/source.html"
style="overflow:hidden;" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0">
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mahalie Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10


Try setting the BODY tag of the IFRAME content to <BODY scroll="no"> and add the following CSS the content's page:

like image 25
Keith Adler Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Keith Adler