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If you're in the "we don't use exceptions" camp, then how do you use the standard library?

Note: I'm not playing the devil's advocate or anything like that here - I'm just genuinely curious since I'm not in this camp myself.

Most types in the standard library have either mutating functions that can throw exceptions (for instance if memory allocation fails) or non-mutating functions that can throw exceptions (for instance out of bounds indexed accessors). In addition to that, many free functions can throw exceptions (for instance operator new and dynamic_cast<T&>).

How do you practically deal with this in the context of "we don't use exceptions"?

  • Are you trying to never call a function that can throw? (I can't see how that'd scale, so I'm very interested to hear how you accomplish this if this is the case)

  • Are you ok with the standard library throwing and you treat "we don't use exceptions" as "we never throw exceptions from our code and we never catch exceptions from other's code"?

  • Are you disabling exception handling altogether via compiler switches? If so, how do the exception-throwing parts of the standard library work?

  • EDIT Your constructors, can they fail, or do you by convention use a 2-step construction with a dedicated init function that can return an error code upon failure (which the constructor can't), or do you do something else?

EDIT Minor clarification 1 week after the inception of the question... Much of the content in comments and questions below focus on the why aspects of exceptions vs "something else". My interest is not in that, but when you choose to do "something else", how do you deal with the standard library parts that do throw exceptions?

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Johann Gerell Avatar asked Jun 08 '16 10:06

Johann Gerell

People also ask

What library is exception in?

The C++ Standard library provides a base class specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions. It is called std::exception and is defined in the <exception> header.

How do you use exceptions correctly?

The method to choose depends on how often you expect the event to occur. Use exception handling if the event doesn't occur very often, that is, if the event is truly exceptional and indicates an error (such as an unexpected end-of-file). When you use exception handling, less code is executed in normal conditions.

Should we always use exceptions?

As a general rule of thumb, throw an exception when your program can identify an external problem that prevents execution. If you receive data from the server and that data is invalid, throw an exception.

When should exceptions not be used?

Don't use exceptions to signal something completely normal. Don't use exceptions to control your normal application flow. Use return values or state fields for flow control instead.

2 Answers

I will answer for myself and my corner of the world. I write c++14 (will be 17 once compilers have better support) latency critical financial apps that process gargantuan amounts of money and can't ever go down. The ruleset is:

  • no exceptions
  • no rtti
  • no runtime dispatch
  • (almost) no inheritance

Memory is pooled and pre-allocated, so there are no malloc calls after initialization. Data structures are either immortal or trivially copiable, so destructors are nearly absent (there are some exceptions, such as scope guards). Basically, we are doing C + type safety + templates + lambdas. Of course, exceptions are disabled via the compiler switch. As for the STL, the good parts of it (i.e.: algorithm, numeric, type_traits, iterator, atomic, ...) are all useable. The exception-throwing parts coincide with the runtime-memory-allocating parts and the semi-OO parts nicely so we get to get rid of all the cruft in one go: streams, containers except std::array, std::string.

Why do this?

  1. Because like OO, exception offers illusory cleanliness by hiding or moving the problem elsewhere, and makes the rest of the program harder to diagnose. When you compile without "-fno-exceptions", all your clean and nicely behaved functions have to endure the suspicion of being failable. It is much easier to have extensive sanity checking around the perimeter of your codebase, than to make every operation failable.
  2. Because exceptions are basically long range GOTOs that have an unspecified destination. You won't use longjmp(), but exceptions are arguably much worse.
  3. Because error codes are superior. You can use [[nodiscard]] to force calling code to check.
  4. Because exception hierarchies are unnecessary. Most of the time it makes little sense to distinguish what errored, and when it does, it's likely because different errors require different clean-up and it would have been much better to signal explicitly.
  5. Because we have complex invariants to maintain. This means that there are code, however deep down in the bowels, that need to have transnational guarantees. There are two ways of doing this: either you make your imperative procedures as pure as possible (i.e.: make sure you never fail), or you have immutable data structures (i.e.: make failure recovery possible). If you have immutable data structures, then of course you can have exceptions, but you won't be using them because when you will be using sum types. Functional data structures are slow though, so the other alternative is to have pure functions and do it in an exception-free language such as C, no-except C++, or Rust. No matter how pretty D looks, as long as it isn't cleansed of GC and exceptions, it's an non-option.
  6. Do you ever test your exceptions like you would an explicit code path? What about exceptions that "can never happen"? Of course you don't, and when you actually hit those exceptions you are screwed.
  7. I have seen some "beautiful" exception-neutral code in C++. That is, it performs optimally with no edge cases regardless of whether the code it calls uses exceptions or not. They are really hard to write and I suspect, tricky to modify if you want to maintain all your exception guarantees. However, I have not seen any "beautiful" code that either throws or catches exceptions. All code that I have seen that interacts with exceptions directly have been universally ugly. The amount of effort that went into writing exception-neutral code completely dwarfs the amount of effort that was saved from the crappy code that either throws or catches exceptions. "Beautiful" is in quotes because it is not actual beauty: it is usually fossilized because editing it requires the extra burden of maintaining exception-neutrality. If you don't have unit tests that deliberately and comprehensively misuse exceptions to trigger those edge cases, even "beautiful" exception-neutral code decays into manure.
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KevinZ Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09


In our case, we disable the exceptions via the compiler (e.g -fno-exceptions for gcc).

In the case of gcc, they use a macro called _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT which is defined as

#ifndef _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT # if __cpp_exceptions #  define _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(_EXC) (throw (_EXC)) # else #  define _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(_EXC) (__builtin_abort()) # endif #endif 

(you can find it in libstdc++-v3/include/bits/c++config on latest gcc versions).

Then you juste have to deal with the fact that exceptions thrown just abort. You can still catch the signal and print the stack (there is a good answer on SO that explains this), but you have better avoid this kind of things to happen (at least in releases).

If you want some example, instead of having something like

try {    Foo foo = mymap.at("foo");    // ... } catch (std::exception& e) {} 

you can do

auto it = mymap.find("foo"); if (it != mymap.end()) {     Foo foo = it->second;     // ... } 
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cmourglia Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09
