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If this code is not a joke, how on earth does it work?

class Tree
  def initialize*d;@d,=d;end
  def to_s;@l||@r?",>":@d;end
  def total;(@d.is_a?(Numeric)?@d:0)+(@[email protected]: 0)+(@[email protected]: 0);end
  def insert d
    alias g instance_variable_get

Would anyone like to take a stab at explaining what this does? It appeared as an answer in a question I asked about code that is too clever. But it's too clever for me to tell whether it's simply a joke. If it's not, I'd be interested to know how it works, should anyone care to explain.

like image 333
amsterdam Avatar asked Apr 03 '09 22:04


2 Answers

EDIT: The person who posted the original obfuscated example gave the actual source code in his answer. He also posted a corrected version of the obfuscated code, because as I noted, some of it didn't make sense even when you removed the funky syntax.

That is some nicely obfuscated code. As with most obfuscated code, it's mostly a lot of ternary operators and a stubborn refusal to put in whitespace where a normal person would. Here is basically the same thing written more normally:

class Tree
  def initialize(*d)
    @d,  = d # the comma is for multiple return values,
             # but since there's nothing after it,
             # all but the first are discarded.
  def to_s
    @l || @r ? ",>" : @d
  def total
    total = @d.is_a?(Numeric) ? @d : 0
    total += @l.total if @l
    total += @r.total if @r
  def insert(arg)
    if @d
      if @l
        @l = Tree.new(arg)
      @d = arg

The insert method is not syntactically valid (it's missing a method name at one part), but that's essentially what it does as far as I can tell. The obfuscation in that method is pretty thick:

  1. Instead of just doing @l = whatever, it uses instance_variable_get() and instance_variable_set(). Even worse, it aliases instance_variable_get() to just be g().

  2. It wraps most of the functionality in a lambda function, to which it passes the name of the @l. Then it calls this function with the lesser-known syntax of func[arg1, arg2], which is equivalent to func.call(arg1, arg2).

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Chuck Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10


This appears to be a binary tree implementation in very few lines. I apologize if my understanding of the ruby syntax is limited:

class Tree                    // defining the class Tree

    def initialize *d;        // defines the initializer
        @d = d;               // sets the node value

    def to_s;                 // defines the to_s(tring) function
        @l || @r ? ",>" : @d; // conditional operator. Can't tell exactly what this 
                              // function is intending. Would think it should make a
                              // recursive call or two if it's trying to do to_string

    def total;                // defines the total (summation of all nodes) function
        @d.is_a ? (Numeric)   // conditional operator.  Returns
            ? @d              // @d if the data is numeric
            : 0               // or zero
        + (@l ? @l.total : 0) // plus the total for the left branch
        + (@r ? @r.total : 0) // plus the total for the right branch

    def insert d              // defines an insert function
        ??                    // but I'm not going to try to parse it...yuck

Hope that helps some... :/

like image 36
dustyburwell Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10
