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If the Swift 'guard' statement must exit scope, what is the definition of scope?




I am confused about the definition of a code block or of 'scope'. Apple docs for guard say this: the else block of a guard statement...

"must transfer control to exit the code block in which the guard statement appear."

Other online sources say the guard statement must exit the 'scope' in which it exists.

So take the example code below:

func testGuardControlFlow () {

let x = 2
let y = 2

    func embededFunc () {

        if y == 2 {

            guard x == 1 else {
                print("oops, number is not 1")

            print ("from in embededFunc")


        print ("I still want this to print even if x != 1")

    print("Great, return still allows this to be printed.")



According to my current understanding of 'scope', the code

if y == 2 {....}

creates a new scope, namely between { }. And given this assumption, guard would merely escape that scope. But that is not the case. Guard in this instance escapes from the function it is placed in, irrespective of whether it is buried in an if clause.

Am I completely misunderstanding what 'scope' means? Does scope mean the code contained in a method? If so, what is the correct term for the 'space' that exists within an if statement?

like image 368
thecloud_of_unknowing Avatar asked Aug 15 '16 16:08


People also ask

What does a guard statement do in Swift?

Guard statements in Swift allow us to implement checks into our code that prevents the current scope from continuing. When writing code, we often have certain required conditions before continuing a method. An example can be unwrapping an optional input field before submitting a form.

What keyword is used inside a guard statement to leave its scope?

Guard statements MUST transfer control away from its enclosing scope, in order to leave the scope it is written in. In this case, it must leave the function, via the “return” keyword.

How do you write a guard let statement in Swift?

The syntax of the guard statement is: guard expression else { // statements // control statement: return, break, continue or throw. } Note: We must use return , break , continue or throw to exit from the guard scope.

What is the purpose of a guard statement?

A guard statement is capable to transfer the flow of control of a program if a certain condition(s) aren't met within the program. Or we can say, if a condition expression evaluates true, then the body of the guard statement is not executed.

2 Answers

It is totally possible to do what you envision, it just happens to not be what that particular code does. return always exits a method, not the local scope. To do what you wish, you can use a label, and break:

func testGuardControlFlow () {

    let x = 2
    let y = 2

    func embededFunc () {

        if y == 2 {

            guard x == 1 else {
                print("oops, number is not 1")
                break breakLabel

            print ("from in embededFunc")


        print ("I still want this to print even if x != 1")

    print("Great, return still allows this to be printed.")



To add on to vadian's answer:

guard forces you to exit the scope using a control transfer statement. There are 4 available to you:

  • return and throw both exit the function/method
  • continue can be used within loops (while/for/repeat-while)
  • break can be used in loops (while/for/repeat-while) to exit the immediate scope. Specifying a label to break to will allow you to exit multiple scopes at once (e.g. breaking out of nested loop structure). When using a label, break can also be used in if scopes.

Additionally, you may exit the scope by calling a function that returns Never, such as fatalError.

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Alexander Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10


Your understanding of the term scope is absolutely correct. Basically it's the space between two (balanced) braces.

The description to exit the code block in the documentation is the most accurate.

To exit a guard statement you can use the control transfer statements return, break, continue, or throw.

  • return and throw exits the whole function or method.
  • continue and break exits the current scope (for example switch, for or while).
like image 35
vadian Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
