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if statement within a ng-repeat directive on Angular.js

I am trying to implement an if into a ng-repeat directive but I am having a hard time. my code which work for now is:

<p ng-repeat="list in lists">{{list[id].title}}</p>

What I want to do is basically

<p ng-repeat="list in lists if list[id].selected">{{list[id].title}}</p>

Of course, on the second line I am getting an error. Any advice on this?

Thank you.

like image 971
marceloduende Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 21:02


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2 Answers

As I wrote in a comment, you could use filters to achieve that. Here's example: http://jsfiddle.net/sebmade/ZfGx4/44/

ng-repeat="list in lists | filter:myFilter"

And filter code:

$scope.myFilter = function(item) {
    return item.selected == true;

I found that it is possible to do it with inline filter like this:

ng-repeat="list in lists | filter:{selected: true}"
like image 177
Jan.J Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10


What you need to add here is a filter:

<p ng-repeat="list in lists | filter:{selected:true}">test {{list.title}}</p>

I've added a plnkr as an example.

like image 10
Shai Reznik - HiRez.io Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Shai Reznik - HiRez.io