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If JavaScript has first-class functions, why doesn’t calling this function in a variable work?


JavaScript is purported to have first-class functions, so this seems like the following ought to work:

var f = document.getElementById; var x = f('x'); 

But it fails on all browsers, with a different cryptic error message on each one. Safari says “Type error”. Chrome says “Illegal invocation”. Firefox says “Could not convert JavaScript argument”.


like image 857
Lisper Avatar asked Jan 07 '12 22:01


1 Answers

When you call obj.method() in Javascript the method is passed obj as this. Calling document.getElementById('x') with therefore set this to document.

However if you just write f = document.getElementById you now have a new reference to the function, but that reference is no longer "bound" to document.

So your code doesn't work because when you call f as a bare function name it ends up bound to the global object (window). As soon as the innards of the function try to use this it finds that it now has a window instead of a document and unsurprisingly it doesn't like it.

You can make f work if you call it so:

var x = f.call(document, 'x'); 

which calls f but explicitly sets the context to document.

The others way to fix this is to use Function.bind() which is available in ES5 and above:

var f = document.getElementById.bind(document); 

and is really just a generalised short cut for creating your own wrapper that correctly sets the context:

function f(id) {     return document.getElementById(id); } 
like image 180
Alnitak Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10
