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IE9 HTML5 placeholder - how are people achieving this?

I'm trying to use the placeholder="xxx" attribute in my web application, and I don't want to have a special visual for IE9. Can people throw out some good suggestions for achieving this functionality in IE9?

I've found a couple links on here but none of the suggested scripts were sufficient... and the answers were from mid-2011, so I figured maybe there is a better solution out there. Perhaps with a widely-adopted jQuery plugin? I do not want to use anything that requires intrusive code such as requiring a certain css class or something.


EDIT - I also need this to work for password input fields.

// the below snippet should work, but isn't.
$(document).ready(function() {

function initPlaceholders() {
        $.support.placeholder = false;
var test = document.createElement('input');
if ('placeholder' in test) {
    $.support.placeholder = true;
    return function() { }
} else {
    return function() {
        $(function() {
            var active = document.activeElement;
            $('form').delegate(':text, :password', 'focus', function() {
                var _placeholder = $(this).attr('placeholder'),
                    _val = $(this).val();
                if (_placeholder != '' && _val == _placeholder) {
            }).delegate(':text, :password', 'blur', function() {
                var _placeholder = $(this).attr('placeholder'),
                    _val = $(this).val();
                if (_placeholder != '' && (_val == '' || _val == _placeholder)) {
            }).submit(function() {
                $(this).find('.hasPlaceholder').each(function() { $(this).val(''); });
            $(':text, :password').blur();
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Adam Levitt Avatar asked Jul 03 '12 02:07

Adam Levitt

3 Answers

We just researched the same thing. We decided on reusing this gist, by Aaron McCall, after making some minor changes. The main advantage is that it's simple, easy to understand code:

  1. Remove the kernel and setup_placeholders parts. Just call it immediately in an anonymous function.

  2. Add var before test.

For browsers that support placeholder, it simply falls back to that. It also handles new input elements (note the use of delegate) in existing forms. But does not handle dynamic new form elements. It could probably be modified to do so with jQuery.on.

If you don't like this one, you can use one of the ones here. However, some of them are overcomplicated, or have questionable design decisions like setTimeout for detecting new elements.

Note that it needs to use two pairs of parens, since you're calling an anonymous function, then calling the returned function (this could be factored out differently):

(function () {
  // ...
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Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 15:11

Matthew Flaschen

I wrote a jquery plugin a while back that adds the placeholder support to any browser that does not support it and does nothing in those that do.

Placeholder Plugin

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corymathews Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 17:11


Here's a jQuery plugin that works with password fields as well. It's not as tiny as the code suggested by Matthew but it has a few more fixes in it. I've used this successfully together with H5Validate as well.


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powerbuoy Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 17:11
