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IE7/IE8 and frozen animated gifs

I'm quite sure this is an old problem.

This is how i render my animated gif:

 <img id='loading' alt='loading' style="display: none; position:  
    relative; left:10px; top:2px;" src="<%= Url.Image("loading.gif") %>" />

This is how I'm desperately trying to show it at the moment:

showLoading: function(gifId, butId) {
        var n = gifId != undefined ? gifId : 'loading';
        var l = $('#' + n);

        //if browser is stupid
        if ('v' == '\v') {
            var s = l.attr('src');
            var x = document.getElementById(n);
            x.style.visibility = "visible";
            x.style.display = "inline";
            setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + n + "').src = '"+s+"';",  
        } else {
        if (butId != undefined)
            $('#' + butId).css('cursor', 'default').attr("disabled", true);

Problem: Animated gif appears frozen, there is no animation

Strangest thing is that on other page everything works like a charm.

P.s. it's painful not to rant about IE... argh...


Wrapped around with span:

  <span id='loading' style='display: none;
                position: relative; left: 0px; top: 2px;'>
                <img alt='loading' src="<%= Url.Image("loading.gif") %>" />

changed js to:

 if ('v' == '\v') {
            var f = function() {
                l.attr('src', l.attr('src'));
            setTimeout(f, 100);
        } else {

and mystically - it works now.

like image 717
Arnis Lapsa Avatar asked Nov 26 '09 13:11

Arnis Lapsa

1 Answers

I ran into this once. If I tried to use JavaScript to show a little loading throbber as the browser moved to a page that was going to take a while to load, IE wouldn't animate the GIF. I solved it by putting the loading throbber directly into the HTML (not inserted via JavaScript) in a hidden div:

<div id="pseudo-progress-area" style="display: none;">
    <h3>Please wait while we process your PayPal transaction...</h3>
    <p style="text-align: center;">
        <img src="/Media/Template/Images/LoadingProgressBar.gif" alt="" />

and then using JavaScript to toggle the visibility of the div after a short delay (this is using an older version of the Prototype library, but you get the idea):

<script type="text/javascript">    
    // We have to call this function via a setTimeout() or else IE7 won't
    // animate the GIF as the next page is loading.
    var fnHideConfirmation = function() {
        Element.hide( 'confirmation-area' );
        Element.show( 'pseudo-progress-area' );

That function is triggered in the form's submit button:

    value="Buy Now →"
    onclick="setTimeout(fnHideConfirmation, 50);" />

So instead of delaying the src attribute change, leave it alone and just delay the call to your entire showLoading() function. Good luck!

like image 199
Nicholas Piasecki Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 23:11

Nicholas Piasecki