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Idiomatic way to set default value in JavaScript



What would be the most idiomatic way to do the following in JavaScript:

If myParam is not passed into MyFunc by the caller, then I want to set it to a default value. But first I want to try and get it from another object, which may not yet exist:

function MyFunc(myParam) {

    if (!myParam) {
        if (!myObj) {
            myParam = 10;
        else {
            myParam = myObj.myParam;

I started to write:

myParam = myParam || myObj.mParam || 10

but realized that if myObj does not exist then this would fail. I might guess the following:

myParam = myParam || (myObj && myObj.mParam) || 10

It might even work. But is it the best way?

How would, for example, John Resig do it?

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Mike Avatar asked Feb 03 '09 02:02


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1 Answers

If myObj is a global it needs to reference the window object, otherwise it will throw an error if myObj is undefined.

myParam = myParam || (window.myObj ? window.myObj.mParam : 10);


myParam = myParam || (window.myObj && window.myObj.mParam) || 10;

This works as well:

myParam = myParam || ((typeof myObj !== "undefined") ? myObj.mParam : 10);
like image 93
Luca Matteis Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Luca Matteis