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identityserver 4 get current user's access_token

I am having trouble getting my current user's access_token. Here is my setup:

  • QuickstartIdentityServer (QIS) in aspnet core, identity and EF storage
  • API (API) in NodeJs. Validates jwt tokens in header against QIS.
  • SPA angular app that works great with QIS and API and is out of the scope of this question

In a section of the QuickstartIdentityServer (QIS) site (user details page), I would like to call an API endpoint using an access_token to authenticate the request. I am struggling to retrieve the current user's access_token from my QIS site. Whenever I call HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token") I get a null value. I have seen this section of IdSrv4 documentation: https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/en/release/quickstarts/5_hybrid_and_api_access.html?highlight=gettokenasync but it seems to apply to an MVC client and not my own identity server.

Anyone could shed some light on how to get my user's access_token ?



Here is a starting point to try to explain better my issue: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer4.Samples/tree/release/Quickstarts/6_AspNetIdentity/src/IdentityServerWithAspNetIdentity

Starting from this QIS project, I would like to get the logged in user's access token. So for instance, if I edit HomeController to add this call:

public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
     var accessToken = await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
     return View(accessToken);

I would then be able to call my NodeJS API with this token in the Auth Header.

Hope this explains better my issue.

like image 824
agu Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 05:11


1 Answers

So I managed to authenticate myself w/ my API using a dedicated Client using client credentials grant and the following call to get an access_token:

        var disco = await DiscoveryClient.GetAsync("http://localhost:5000");
        var tokenClient = new TokenClient(disco.TokenEndpoint, clientId, clientSecret);
        var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.RequestClientCredentialsAsync(scope);

Then I can add to my request header to API the access_token returned in tokenResponse:

        using(var client = new HttpClient()) {
          // execute request

The downside is that I can't "impersonate" the current currently logged on IS on API side.

like image 113
agu Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 21:12
