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Identifying new additions to a comma-delimited string




I have an excel spreadsheet with 50 rows of comma-delimited data. The number of features contained within the comma-delimited data increases from bottom to top i.e row 50 (the last row) always has the fewest delimiters, and row 1 (the first row) always has the most delimiters. The number of features increases randomly, and each feature can be either unique or duplicated. Either multiple or single features can be added to the string on each row. The features are placed randomly into the previous rows' comma-delimited string i.e they can be placed into the middle of the string on the previous row, or at the beginning or the end of the previous string. If there are multiple added to a row, they may not be placed together. For example:

1  fish,pig,cat,dog,fish,mouse,fish,cow
2  pig,cat,dog,fish,mouse,fish
3  pig,cat,dog,fish,mouse
4  pig,cat,dog,mouse
5  pig,cat,dog,mouse
6  cat,dog,mouse
7  cat,mouse
8  cat,mouse
9  cat 

I need to extract the feature(s) that have been added to the comma-delimited string on each row, preferably using a UDF. The desired output from the above example would be:

1  fish,cow
2  fish
3  fish
5  pig
6  dog
8  mouse
9  cat

I have had some success using a UDF that compares adjacent rows, and extracts any unique values between the two rows in an adjacent column (i.e if the UDF is used on rows 4 and 5 in B4, B4 will be blank; however, if the UDF is used on rows 3 and 4 in B3, B3 will have the value "fish") . However, this causes problems since some of the features are duplicated (see rows 1 and 2 in the above example). This results in the UDF returning a blank value when a duplicate has been added to the string.

I have had most success with these (very slightly adjusted) UDFs that I found on stack exchange, particularly the former:

Function NotThere(BaseText As String, TestText As String) As String
  Dim V As Variant, BaseWords() As String
  NotThere = "" & TestText & ","
  For Each V In Split(BaseText, ",")
    NotThere = Replace(NotThere, V & ",", ",")
  NotThere = Mid(Application.Trim(NotThere), 3, Len(NotThere) - 0)
End Function


Function Dups(R1 As String, R2 As String) As String
    Dim nstr As String, R As Variant
        For Each R In Split(R2, ",")
            If InStr(R1, Trim(R)) = 0 Then
                nstr = nstr & IIf(nstr = "", R, "," & R)
            End If
        Next R
    Dups = nstr
    End Function

I have also tried the method suggested here: http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/array-differences.htm, but continually get #VALUE errors.

like image 444
bm13563 Avatar asked May 15 '18 22:05


1 Answers

iterate both arrays and remove as duplicates are found. When done return what is left:

Function newadd(rng1 As String, rng2 As String) As String
    If rng1 = "" Then
        newadd = rng2
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim spltStr1() As String
    spltStr1 = Split(rng1, ",")

    Dim spltstr2() As String
    spltstr2 = Split(rng2, ",")

    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim temp As String
    For i = LBound(spltstr2) To UBound(spltstr2)
        For j = LBound(spltStr1) To UBound(spltStr1)
            If spltStr1(j) = spltstr2(i) Then
                spltStr1(j) = ""
                spltstr2(i) = ""
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
        If spltstr2(i) <> "" Then
            temp = temp & "," & spltstr2(i)
        End If
    Next i

    newadd = Mid(temp, 2)
End Function

enter image description here

like image 89
Scott Craner Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Scott Craner