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Identify GSM encryption algorithm

I would like to find out whether my android phone (ADP) is using A5/0, A5/1 or A5/2 at a specific time. How can I achieve this?

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Souly Avatar asked Jul 23 '10 08:07


People also ask

Which is the encryption algorithm is used in GSM?

A5/x are the encryption algorithms used in order to ensure privacy of conversations on GSM mobile phones.

Which algorithm is used for encryption in GSM Mcq?

Cipher is the algorithm used in encryption.

Does GSM have encryption?

In GSM, data stream between mobile subscriber (MS) and BTS is encrypted by A5 encryption algorithm. A5's encryption and decryption key (k c ) is generated base on MS's SIM card parameter (k i ) and a random number, RAND.

What is A5 algorithm in GSM?

A5 is a family of symmetric stream ciphers most fa- mously used as the encryption schemes in GSM 1 and succeeding technologies. The A5 algorithms are de- signed for simple commodity hardware with focus on security and speed. The short key length used in A5, along with other vulnerabilities, makes GSM prone to attacks.

1 Answers

The encryption algorithms for GSM are done in the GSM modem and not in the Android OS. The encryption algorithm that your phone uses depends on your carrier and the GSM modem. You probably won't be able to find out what algorithm it is using at a given time since Andorid is only communicating with the GSM modem using AT-commands that often obfuscate those details.

Here is a paper on GSM architecture.

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Xample Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10
