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Ideal value for Kafka Connect Distributed tasks.max configuration setting?

I am looking to productionize and deploy my Kafka Connect application. However, there are two questions I have about the tasks.max setting which is required and of high importance but details are vague for what to actually set this value to.

If I have a topic with n partitions that I wish to consume data from and write to some sink (in my case, I am writing to S3), what should I set tasks.max to? Should I set it to n? Should I set it to 2n? Intuitively it seems that I'd want to set the value to n and that's what I've been doing.

What if I change my Kafka topic and increase partitions on the topic? I will have to pause my Kafka Connector and increase the tasks.max if I set it to n? If I have set a value of 2n, then my connector should automatically increase the parallelism it operates?

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PhillipAMann Avatar asked Jan 27 '17 18:01


People also ask

How many tasks Kafka connect?

4 topics, 5 partitions each - the Kafka connection will spawn 10 tasks, each handling data from 2 topic partitions.

What is Kafka connect distributed?

Distributed mode provides scalability and automatic fault tolerance for Kafka Connect. In distributed mode, you start many worker processes using the same group.id and they automatically coordinate to schedule execution of connectors and tasks across all available workers.

What is task in Kafka connect?

Tasks contain the code that actually copies data to/from another system. They receive a configuration from their parent Connector, assigning them a fraction of a Kafka Connect job's work. The Kafka Connect framework then pushes/pulls data from the Task. The Task must also be able to respond to reconfiguration requests.

How many modes exist in Kafka connect?

The process is called a worker in Kafka Connect. There are two modes for running workers: Standalone mode: Useful for development and testing Kafka Connect on a local machine. It can also be used for environments that typically use single agents (for example, sending web server logs to Kafka).

1 Answers

In a Kafka Connect sink, the tasks are essentially consumer threads and receive partitions to read from. If you have 10 partitions and have tasks.max set to 5, each task with receive 2 partitions to read from and track the offsets. If you have configured tasks.max to a number above the partition count Connect will launch a number of tasks equal to the partitions of the topics it's reading.

If you change the partition count of the topic you'll have to relaunch your connect task, if tasks.max is still greater than the partition count, Connect will start that many tasks.

edit, just discovered ConnectorContext: https://kafka.apache.org/0100/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/connect/connector/ConnectorContext.html

The connector will have to be written to include this but it looks like Connect has the ability to reconfigure a connector if there's a topic change (partitions added/removed).

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Chris Matta Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Chris Matta