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Ideal button Size [closed]

My coworker and I constantly argue about button sizes. I like to have buttons that have a fixed size (ie if minimized/maximized the button sizes dont change,other controls may but not buttons), width= text in it and height=27 -30 pixels.

My co-worker prefers buttons that are only 20 pixels in height and the width is docked to vary as screen is resized. that is to say,when a screen is maximized the button elongates itself.

Personally,I don't like buttons that resize. I was wondering if anyone else want to chime in on this UI argument?

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user52960 Avatar asked Jan 13 '09 21:01


3 Answers

For what it's worth, according to the Vista UX Guidelines the default button size should be 14 x 50 "dialog units" (about 28px by 100px on a 96dpi monitor), with about an 11px border from the side.

Regardless of how you feel about Microsoft as a company, I think they do a good job with an uniform UI. If you are working on Windows apps then I think this guideline is a must follow.

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Phil Scott Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

Phil Scott

I vote for buttons that do not get wider as the form gets wider. Personally, I think it is just ugly and makes the buttons harder to use because your eye is no longer drawn to the text in them.

Also, with 16:9 and 16:10 ratio monitors becoming popular, those buttons will be abnormally wide ;)

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Rob Prouse Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09

Rob Prouse

Please don't resize the buttons...

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TheTXI Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09