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ics file on webcal URI scheme

I've created an ics file using DDay iCal library. Now I want to make a calendar feed with it using webcal protocol. If the name of the file I've created is myCalendar.ics, it will be accessible using:


I have no idea how to achieve this.

Also, when I change something in the ics file, such as the event venue, does the client calendar agent (e.g. outlook, or Google calendar) pick up the modified value automatically?

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Amir Rezvani Avatar asked Jun 12 '12 05:06

Amir Rezvani

1 Answers

I implemented a DDay calendar based off my organizational calendar.

EDIT: I typically provide the full URL to the .ics file and have my clients paste this URL into the webcal address within the subscribing client (Outlook, in my case). I've since looked this up on the MS site - you can automatically subscribe to the .ics by prepending your URL with webcal:// instead of http (or webcals://, if using SSL). See here. /EDIT

Question 2: Yes, the calendar client will pick up changes in the internet calendar. Outlook, for instance, retrieves changes from the .ics file on the normal Outlook Send/Receive schedule.

Again, note that .ics calendar subscriptions are read-only. In case you were hoping for a two-way syncing calendar, that's a whole other question...:)

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MTAdmin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
