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Icons not showing in React Native + React Native Paper app

This is a fresh React Native app using React Native Paper. I followed the instructions at https://callstack.github.io/react-native-paper/getting-started.html and installed react-native-paper and react-native-vector-icons.

For some reason, none of the icons are showing in the app -- see below: enter image description here

For example, I have a Searchbar at the top of this screen with the following code. As far as I can see, I don't even have to specify an icon there. It should automatically display a magnifying glass but no icon is showing.

<Searchbar placeholder="New to do item..." />

Any idea why and how to fix it?

like image 857
Sam Avatar asked May 13 '20 16:05


1 Answers

Stop your application. Then go to project directory > open cmd > run npx react-native link react-native-vector-icons

cmd will show you linking is successful

Now run your app again

like image 138
mayur Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11
