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iCloud & NSFileWrapper: Showing as 2 different files in Settings

I have an app that uses a UIDocument that is NSFileWrapper based. My file wrapper is a directory named "XXX.cp", with two sub-files "photo.data" and "photo.metadata". It seems to save and load documents fine, however when I go to Settings\Manage Storage\Unknown the sub-files are listed separately:


I was expecting it to show "XXX.cp" instead of these two sub-files. I think I have the document UTI set up and exported properly:


And I think I am creating the file wrappers correctly (especially since it reads/writes fine):

- (void)encodeObject:(id<NSCoding>)object toWrappers:(NSMutableDictionary *)wrappers preferredFilename:(NSString *)preferredFilename {    
    @autoreleasepool {                
        NSMutableData * data = [NSMutableData data];    
        NSKeyedArchiver * archiver = [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:data];    
        [archiver encodeObject:object forKey:@"data"];    
        [archiver finishEncoding];   
        NSFileWrapper * wrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initRegularFileWithContents:data];    
        [wrappers setObject:wrapper forKey:preferredFilename];    

- (id)contentsForType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)outError {        
    if (self.captionedPhotoMetadata == nil || self.captionedPhoto == nil) {    
        *outError = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:CaptionedPhotoErrorDomain code:CaptionedPhotoInvalidDocument userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:NSLocalizedString(@"Invalid document!", @""), NSLocalizedDescriptionKey, nil]];    
        return nil;        
    NSMutableDictionary * wrappers = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];    
    [self encodeObject:self.captionedPhotoMetadata toWrappers:wrappers preferredFilename:METADATA_FILENAME];    
    [self encodeObject:self.captionedPhoto toWrappers:wrappers preferredFilename:DATA_FILENAME];       
    NSFileWrapper * fileWrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initDirectoryWithFileWrappers:wrappers];    
    return fileWrapper;        

But still no cigar. Anyone know what the problem is? Thanks!

like image 618
Ray Wenderlich Avatar asked Apr 21 '12 15:04

Ray Wenderlich

2 Answers

Figured this out. The problem was you need to have a filename extension of 3 letters. Mine had only 2 letters: ".cp". I switched it to ".cap" and it worked :P

like image 149
Ray Wenderlich Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Ray Wenderlich

I didn't change my UTI to be three characters. It remains 11 characters. At first I was seeing the same issue Ray is reporting. I looked in the documentation more and found in "iOS Apps Programming Guide" - "App-Related Resources" under the paragraph of "Declaring Your App's Supported Document Types" that "For each document type you must provide the following information at a minimum:

  • A name
  • An icon
  • The file types

I had provided a name and the file types, but not an icon. So I whipped up the most awesome little document icon I could in 22 seconds, added it to my project, added it to the Target's Document Types, and on my iPad, Settings, iCloud, Manage Storage, MyApp, I only see the file wrapper name, NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey style!

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tobinjim Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
