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ibm-eventstreams-dev does not deploy into IBM Cloud Private

I tried to install ibm-eventstreams-dev v 0.1.1 into IBM Cloud Private and i get an error message:

Internal Service Error : Chart Incompatible with Tiller v2.6.0

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rob9nicholson Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 00:01


1 Answers


As the error message says, IBM Event Streams requires Helm (Tiller) v2.7.2 or greater. (see https://github.com/IBM/charts/blob/master/stable/ibm-eventstreams-dev/Chart.yaml#L5 )

IBM Cloud Private (ICP) has come with Helm (Tiller) v2.7.2 out of the box since v so as long as you're on or there is nothing to worry about.

Getting it working

If you're on ICP v2.1.0.1 or earlier, then the best thing to do would be to update to or greater first - as that should be able to install IBM Event Streams.

If you're already on ICP but the Tiller install has been downgraded to 2.6.0, the easiest thing to do would probably be to restore the Tiller version.

  1. Download and configure the v 2.7.2 Helm CLI by following the "Installing the Helm CLI" instructions that come with ICP
  2. Run helm init --upgrade --tls to upgrade your Tiller install using the ICP version
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dalelane Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 07:03
