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I want to have data structure with (start,end) as key and then be able to search integer in whole data structure and get corresponding value

I'd like to have a

data structure with <Key, Value> where
  Key = (start, end), 
  Value = string

After which I should be able to search an integer optimally in the data structure and get corresponding value.


var lookup = new Something<(int, int), string>()
  {(1,100),"In 100s"},
  {(101,200),"In 100-200"},

var value1 = lookup[10]; //value1 = "In 100s"
var value2 = lookup[110]; //value2 = "In 100-200"

Could anyone suggest?

like image 224
Peeush Agarwal Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 06:10

Peeush Agarwal

2 Answers

If you want to be able to use something like lookup[10] as you mentioned, you can create your own class that implements some sort of key/value data type. Which underlying data type you ultimately decide to use really depends on what your data looks like.

Here's a simple example of doing this while implementing a Dictionary<>:

public class RangeLookup : Dictionary<(int Min, int Max), string>
    public string this[int index] => this.Single(x => x.Key.Min <= index && index <= x.Key.Max).Value;

This allows you to define a custom indexer on top of the dictionary to encapsulate your range lookup. A usage of this class would look like:

var lookup = new RangeLookup
    { (1, 100), "In 100s" },
    { (101, 200), "In 101-200s" },

Console.WriteLine($"50: {lookup[50]}");

Which produces output as:

enter image description here

In terms of performance with this approach, the following is an example of some tests (using Win10 with an Intel i7-4770 CPU) retrieving a value from a dictionary with 10,000,000 records:

var lookup = new RangeLookup();

for (var i = 1; i <= 10000000; i++)
    var max = i * 100;
    var min = max - 99;
    lookup.Add((min, max), $"In {min}-{max}s");

var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

Console.WriteLine($"50: {lookup[50]} (TimeToLookup: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds})");

Console.WriteLine($"5,000: {lookup[5000]} (TimeToLookup: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds})");

Console.WriteLine($"1,000,000,000: {lookup[1000000000]} (TimeToLookup: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds})");

Which gives the following results:

enter image description here

So unless you plan on working with more than tens of millions of records inside of this data set, an approach like this should be satisfactory in terms of performance.

like image 132
devNull Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


You basically have a Dictionary<> structure here, for example:

var lookup = new Dictionary<(int, int), string>()
  {(1,100),"In 100s"},
  {(101,200),"In 100-200"},

You can use some basic Linq queries to search that container, for example:

var searchValue = 10;
var value1 = lookup.First(l => l.Key.Item1 <= searchValue && l.Key.Item2 >= searchValue);

searchValue = 110;
var value2 = lookup.First(l => l.Key.Item1 <= searchValue && l.Key.Item2 >= searchValue);

But as Lee suggested in the comments, you might get better performance using a SortedDictionary, your mileage may vary, which means you need to test the performance of both.

like image 40
DavidG Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
