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I want to create a red "night mode" for my Android app

I'm creating an app for use by pilots. It mostly uses TextView, EditText, Button, etc. In other words, not very graphics-heavy.

When used at night, I'd like for the user to be able to switch to a "night mode" where everything on screen is red and black... like the Google Sky Map app. (This is important for pilots because the color red does not destroy the eye's natural night vision adaptation as other colors do.)

What's the best way to do this? I found APIs like ColorFilter, etc. but I'm not sure how I'd apply these app-wide.

like image 678
Roger Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 03:09


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1 Answers

If you're simply talking about changing the colours of the various views within the layout and not the structure of the layout itself, then I'd suggest you simply do this using styles.

i.e. Define two sets of styles for the various views which make up your layout - one set for night mode and one for day mode. In your activity, it then becomes a case of calling setStyle() on each of your views to toggle it between night and day.

Coming up with a sensible naming convention and parentage scheme for your styles will make your life a lot easier. e.g. MyText.Large vs MyText.Large.Night.

The Android developer doc on Themes and Style is a good starting point.

like image 174
tomtheguvnor Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10
