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I need a loop to delete rows according to timestamp difference in R



I am working on a project where I have few million rows and each contains timestamp. Each row also includes the unique ID of that event. Current condition is that rows with the same event ID can have timestamp difference of 1 minute (there cant be two events with delta timestamp less than 1minute).

What I want to simulate is the situation which would happen if minimal timestamp difference would be 3 minutes.

    TIME_STAMP              PREV_TIME_STAMP      Unique ID 
06-27-2021 07:07:22       06-27-2021 06:30:00         1 
06-27-2021 07:18:26       06-27-2021 07:07:22         1 
06-27-2021 07:20:26       06-27-2021 07:18:26         1 
06-27-2021 07:22:26       06-27-2021 07:20:26         1 
06-27-2021 07:22:26       06-27-2021 07:22:26         1 
06-27-2021 15:18:05       06-27-2021 15:11:00         2 
06-27-2021 15:19:05       06-27-2021 15:18:05         2 
06-27-2021 12:31:37       06-27-2021 12:30:00         2 
06-27-2021 12:35:05       06-27-2021 12:30:00         2

The problem is that I cant only make new column with difference between messages, I do need a loop for this - why? see below:

From the table the situation is following:

  • First row is accepted as the delta is 37 minutes
  • Second row is accepted as the delta is 11 minutes
  • Third row IS NOT ACCEPTED as the delta is 1.5 minutes
  • Fourth row IS ACCEPTED as the previous event is NOT 07:20:26, it is 07:18:26 (row three is deleted so it is not considered!). So delta time for 4th row is 07:22:26 - 07:18:26 = 4 minutes > 3 minutes which means accepted

So there is need to define a referent timestamp (it is the previous ACCEPTED time), and delta between new time and previous time WHICH IS ACCEPTED has to be 3 minutes or higher.

I hope that I managed to explain it well enough. If not, please answer and I will provide as much as information I can.

Thanks in advance!


df <- data.frame(TIME_STAMP = as.POSIXct(strptime(
  c("06-27-2021 07:07:22", 
    "06-27-2021 07:18:26",
    "06-27-2021 07:20:26",
    "06-27-2021 07:22:26",
    "06-27-2021 07:22:26",
    "06-27-2021 15:18:05",
    "06-27-2021 15:19:05",
    "06-27-2021 12:31:37",
    "06-27-2021 12:35:05"), "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")),
  PREV_TIME_STAMP = as.POSIXct(strptime(
    c("06-27-2021 06:30:00",
      "06-27-2021 07:07:22",
      "06-27-2021 07:18:26",
      "06-27-2021 07:20:26",
      "06-27-2021 07:22:26",
      "06-27-2021 15:11:00",
      "06-27-2021 15:18:05",
      "06-27-2021 12:30:00",
      "06-27-2021 12:30:00"), "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")),
  ID = c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2))
like image 829
Juan Carlos Joaquin Avatar asked May 22 '18 10:05

Juan Carlos Joaquin

Video Answer

2 Answers

First you should rearrange the data and remove the redundancy of your two time columns:

DT <- fread("    TIME_STAMP,           Unique ID 
            06-27-2021 06:30:00,       1 
            06-27-2021 07:07:22,       1 
            06-27-2021 07:18:26,       1 
            06-27-2021 07:20:26,       1 
            06-27-2021 07:22:26,       1 
            06-27-2021 07:22:26,       1 
            06-27-2021 15:11:00,       2
            06-27-2021 15:18:05,       2 
            06-27-2021 15:19:05,       2 
            06-27-2021 12:31:37,       2 
            06-27-2021 12:35:05,       2")

Then you can do this easily with Rcpp:


  'LogicalVector deleteRow(const NumericVector x) {
     const double n = x.size();
     double j = 0;
     LogicalVector res = LogicalVector(n);
     for (double i = 1; i < n; i++) {
       if (x(i) - x(j) < 180) {
         res[i] = true;
       } else {
         j = i;

  return res;

DT[, TIME_STAMP := as.POSIXct(TIME_STAMP, format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "GMT")]
setkey(DT, `Unique ID`, TIME_STAMP) #ensure sorting
DT[, delete := deleteRow(TIME_STAMP), by = `Unique ID`]
#             TIME_STAMP Unique ID delete
# 1: 2021-06-27 06:30:00         1  FALSE
# 2: 2021-06-27 07:07:22         1  FALSE
# 3: 2021-06-27 07:18:26         1  FALSE
# 4: 2021-06-27 07:20:26         1   TRUE
# 5: 2021-06-27 07:22:26         1  FALSE
# 6: 2021-06-27 07:22:26         1   TRUE
# 7: 2021-06-27 12:31:37         2  FALSE
# 8: 2021-06-27 12:35:05         2  FALSE
# 9: 2021-06-27 15:11:00         2  FALSE
#10: 2021-06-27 15:18:05         2  FALSE
#11: 2021-06-27 15:19:05         2   TRUE
like image 78
Roland Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 11:10


Assuming that it is just typo in last 2 entries of PREV_TIME_STAMP for ID=2, here is another method using Reduce using Ronald's dataset.

   #sort by TIME_STAMP to make sure older entries come up first
    #convert numeric to POSIX
        #get a distinct set of timestamp that is greater than 3 minutes
            #use curr if more than 3 mins from prev, else keep the prev value
            Reduce(function(x,y) if(as.double(y-x,units="mins") >= 3) y else x, 
        origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), 
    by=`Unique ID`]

edit: share timings. tl;dr Roland method is way faster

M <- 2e6
nIDs <- M/1e3
DT <- data.table(
    ID=sample(nIDs, M, replace=TRUE),
    TIME_STAMP=as.POSIXct(as.numeric(Sys.time())+sample(60*(0:4), M, replace=TRUE), origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"))
setorder(DT, ID, TIME_STAMP)
DT2 <- copy(DT)

    'LogicalVector deleteRow(const NumericVector x) {
     const double n = x.size();
     double j = 0;
     LogicalVector res = LogicalVector(n);
     for (double i = 1; i < n; i++) {
       if (x(i) - x(j) < 180) {
         res[i] = true;
       } else {
         j = i;

  return res;

filter1 <- function(start, width) {
    end <- start + width - 1L                       # closed interval
    o <- order(c(start, end))
    is_start <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = length(start))[o]

    event <- rep(c(1, -1), each = length(start))[o] # 1 == open, -1 == close
    cvg <- cumsum(event)                            # number of open intervals
    must <- (event == 1 & cvg == 1)[is_start]

    open <- start[must]                             # non-overlapping events
    close <- end[must] + 1L
    might <- findInterval(start, sort(c(open, close))) %% 2 == 0

    must | might

filter_all <- function(start, width) {
    idx <- !logical(length(start))
    repeat {
        idx0 <- filter1(start[idx], width)
        if (sum(idx0)  == sum(idx))
        idx[idx] <- idx0

basemtd <- function() {
    DT[, filter_all(TIME_STAMP, 3), by=ID]

rcppmtd <- function() {    
    DT[, delete := deleteRow(TIME_STAMP), by=ID]

dtmtd2 <- function() {
                Reduce(function(x,y) if(as.double(y-x,units="mins") >= 3) y else x, 
            origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"), 

microbenchmark(basemtd(), rcppmtd(), dtmtd2(), times=3L)


Unit: milliseconds
      expr         min           lq                mean      median                    uq         max neval
 basemtd()   3579.0786   3601.19295   3608.667733333333   3623.3073   3623.46230000000014   3623.6173     3
 rcppmtd()     37.0085     37.53650     39.001500000000     38.0645     39.99800000000000     41.9315     3
  dtmtd2() 210238.1842 210901.39020 211303.247133333323 211564.5962 211835.77860000001965 212106.9610     3
like image 33
chinsoon12 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 11:10
