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I need a csv file with 1 million entries [closed]




I want a sample csv file of about 1 million entries in it. From where can i get that ,can anybody please help me with this?

like image 271
u12345 Avatar asked Mar 25 '15 10:03


2 Answers

Make your own...

perl -E 'for($i=0;$i<1000000;$i++){say "Line $i,field2,field3,",int rand 100}' > BigBoy.csv


Line 0,field2,field3,58
Line 1,field2,field3,4
Line 2,field2,field3,12
Line 3,field2,field3,39
Line 4,field2,field3,41
Line 5,field2,field3,18
Line 6,field2,field3,64
Line 7,field2,field3,13
Line 8,field2,field3,52
Line 9,field2,field3,54
Line 10,field2,field3,24
Line 999995,field2,field3,8
Line 999996,field2,field3,66
Line 999997,field2,field3,29
Line 999998,field2,field3,67
Line 999999,field2,field3,62
like image 108
Mark Setchell Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Mark Setchell

Try using Majestic Million CSV which is free.

If you don't mind paying a small fee you can try BrianDunning.com

like image 25
Tim Biegeleisen Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10

Tim Biegeleisen