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I have got this warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter;



This is my sample code where i am getting the warning.

Class aClass = Class.forName(impl); Method method = aClass.getMethod("getInstance", null); item = (PreferenceItem) method.invoke(null, null); 

The warning:

warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter; cast to java.lang.Class for a varargs call cast to java.lang.Class[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning Method method = aClass.getMethod("getInstance", null);

please help me solve this problem

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Mohsin Avatar asked Mar 23 '11 06:03


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1 Answers

Well, the compiler warning tells you everything you need to know. It doesn't know whether to treat null as a Class<?>[] to pass directly into getMethod, or as a single null entry in a new Class<?>[] array. I suspect you want the former behaviour, so cast the null to Class<?>[]:

Method method = aClass.getMethod("getInstance", (Class<?>[]) null); 

If you wanted it to create a Class<?>[] with a single null element, you'd cast it to Class<?>:

Method method = aClass.getMethod("getInstance", (Class<?>) null); 

Alternatively you could remove the argument altogether, and let the compiler build an empty array:

Method method = aClass.getMethod("getInstance"); 
like image 106
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10

Jon Skeet