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I have 2 sorted arrays of integers, how do I find the kth biggest item in O(logn) time? [duplicate]

I was asked this question in an interview. I was able to do it in O(n) time obviously, but I fail to think about a way to solve in in O(logn). It sounds like using some divide-and-conquer algorithms but I'm not sure.

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user3342802 Avatar asked Feb 23 '14 08:02


People also ask

How do you find the kth largest element in a sorted array?

It can be clearly observed that Kth largest element is the same as (N – K)th smallest element, where N is the size of the given array. Therefore, we can apply the Kth smallest approach to this problem.

How do I find the kth element in a sorted array?

Merge the Two Arrays. Similar to one single step of the Merge Sort sorting algorithm, we can merge the two arrays and then directly retrieve the kth element. The basic idea of the merge algorithm is to start with two pointers, which point to the first elements of the first and second arrays (a).

How do you find the largest KTH element?

If we sort the array in ascending order, the kth element of an array will be the kth smallest element. To find the kth largest element, we can pass k= length(Array) – k.

1 Answers

Truncate both to size k. If necessary, have the program imagine enough infinities at the end of one or both arrays to bring them up to size k; this will not affect the asymptotic runtime. (In a real implementation, we would probably do something more efficient.)

Then, compare the k/2'th elements of each array. If the elements compared equal, we've found the k'th element; otherwise, let the array with the lower k/2'th element be A and the other be B. Throw away the bottom half of A and the top half of B, then recursively find the k/2'th element of what remains. Stop when we hit k=1.

On every step, the bottom half of A is guaranteed to be too small, and the top half of B is guaranteed to be too big. The k/2'th element of what remains is guaranteed to be bigger than the bottom half of A, so it's guaranteed to be the k'th element of the original.

Proof of concept, in Python:

def kth(array1, array2, k):
    # Basic proof of concept. This doesn't handle a bunch of edge cases
    # that a real implementation should handle.
    # Limitations:
    #   Requires numpy arrays for efficient slicing.
    #   Requires k to be a power of 2
    #   Requires array1 and array2 to be of length exactly k
    if k == 1:
        return min(array1[0], array2[0])
    mid = k//2 - 1
    if array1[mid] > array2[mid]:
        array1, array2 = array2, array1
    return kth(array1[k//2:], array2[:k//2], k//2)

I have tested this, but not much.

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user2357112 supports Monica Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10

user2357112 supports Monica