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I don't have "Dynamic Web Project" option in Eclipse new Project wizard

I have download the Eclipse IDE for Java developer, HELIOS. I click 'File -> New -> Project...', but I only have "General, CVS, Java project, Examples". I would like to be able to create "dynamic web project", why do I not have this option?

I searched from internet, and the reason is probably I don't have Eclipse Web Development Tools, but how can I get it?


I know by install Eclipse IDE for Java EE developer can solve the problem. But, I am working under Linux Ubuntu, how to get Eclipse Java EE version for Ubuntu Linux machine?

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Mellon Avatar asked Apr 03 '11 18:04


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Go to Help -> Install New Software.. Enter eclipse software repo link (https://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest) in Work with input box. You will get the list of available software. Filter the list by searching for Java EE related software. Search something like "java ee" to make things easier.

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Browse to the webapps\ch11\WEB-INF directory, and click Open. Then in the New File dialog that appears, enter the name of the file to link to, web. xml , and click OK. This adds web.

2 Answers

Not all of them are required (I think), but after installing the components listed below I got the "Dynamic Web Project" template added to my Eclipse (Indigo). The list is:

  • Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
  • Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
  • Eclipse Web Developer Tools
  • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools

You can install those packages by clicking on "Help" > "Install New Software", selecting the repository that corresponds to your Eclipse build (i.e http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo for Indigo). The packages are grouped under "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development".

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Poli Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09


I think you need the Web Tools Platform package for this. Not very sure though. You can add it to your current eclipse through Help > install new software.

Then add the software repository site location for WTP for your version of eclipse. This is how you can install plugins in eclipse.

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naiquevin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
