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I can't install pyPDF package No distributions at all found for pyPdf

I try install this package...

$ pip search pyPdf     
PyPDFLite                 - Simple PDF Writer.
pypdfocr                  - Converts a scanned PDF into an OCR'ed pdf using Tesseract-OCR and Ghostscript
pyPdf                     - PDF toolkit
PyPDF2                    - PDF toolkit
pyjon.reports             - Pyjon.Reports is a module bridging z3c.rml, genshi and pypdf together to provide a simple mean of creating templated pdf documents in python.
pypdf2xml                 - A reimplementation of pdftoxml in Python, using pdfMiner. Handles unicode characters better.
pypdflib                  - Pango Cairo based Python PDF Library
pypdf2table               - PDF table extraction tool

And i run install the package

$ pip install pyPdf                 
Downloading/unpacking pyPdf
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pyPdf
  Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external pyPdf to allow).
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for pyPdf
Storing debug log for failure in /tmp/tmpgEc3B

Whats the problem?

like image 586
Lucas Simon Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 17:02

Lucas Simon

1 Answers

Specipy --allow-external, --allow-unverified options:

pip install --allow-external pyPdf --allow-unverified pyPdf pyPdf

Specifying --allow-unverified implies --allow-external; can be omitted.

pip install --allow-unverified pyPdf pyPdf
like image 158
falsetru Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 23:03
