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I can't connect to the internet after installing arch

I installed arch linux and while doing it everything was great and awesome. I could connect to the internet and download whatever package I wanted. But after installing and rebooting I didn't have any package e.g. wifi-menu, dhcpcd, iw and netctl, so I can't connect to the internet.

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Erasuithon Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 00:12


2 Answers

Wifi-menu, dhcpcd, netctl etc. are preinstalled on the Arch-Live-CD. In order to have them after booting into your system, you have to install them first.

What you should do:

Boot into your Live-CD and arch-chroot into your system. From there you can install wifi-menu, dhcpcd, netctl and dialog. Then reboot into your system and you should be able to connect to a wifi-network.

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pqrrot Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 02:12


I solved the problem. I am new to linux so forgive wrong terminology. I went into the usb from bios again and I could connect to the internet through there. I mounted the partition with linux at mount and arch-chroot into mount. There I could download every package I wanted because I was connected to the internet.

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Erasuithon Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 00:12
