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I am trying to create a heirarchy view. The view should expand and contract once clicked on each person

enter image description here

When clicked on each person , the subordinates list of that person should appear at the bottom. The whole list is dynamic .

        "EmployeeId": "1",
        "Name": "John",
        "Position": "HR",
        "Image": "",
        "SubordinateCount": 6,
        "Subordinates": [
                "EmployeeId": "2",
                "Name": "Sub john 1",
                "Position": "Manager",
                "Image": "",
                "SubordinateCount": 1,
                "Subordinates": [
                        "EmployeeId": "3",
                        "Name": "Joseph",
                        "Position": "Admin",
                        "Image": "",
                        "SubordinateCount": 1,
                        "Subordinates": [
                                "EmployeeId": "4",
                                "Name": "Raj",
                                "Position": "Software Developer",
                                "Image": "",
                                "SubordinateCount": 0,
                                "Subordinates": []
                "EmployeeId": "5",
                "Name": "Rahul",
                "Position": "ERP Consultant",
                "Image": "",
                "SubordinateCount": 16,
                "Subordinates": [
                        "EmployeeId": "6",
                        "Name": "Fam",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "7",
                        "Name": "Salman A Q",
                        "Position": "Software Developer",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "8",
                        "Name": "Mac",
                        "Position": "Software Developer",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "9",
                        "Name": "Mathew",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "10",
                        "Name": "Kim",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "11",
                        "Name": "Loren",
                        "Position": "Software Developer",
                        "Image": "",
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "12",
                        "Name": "Adam",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "13",
                        "Name": "Meera",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "14",
                        "Name": "MMM",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "15",
                        "Name": "Master",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "16",
                        "Name": "Michael",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "17",
                        "Name": "George",
                        "Position": "Consultant",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "18",
                        "Name": "Ahmedu A F",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "19",
                        "Name": "KKKK",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "20",
                        "Name": "xxx",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "21",
                        "Name": "DK",
                        "Position": "QA",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                "EmployeeId": "22",
                "Name": "HHHH",
                "Position": "Engineer",
                "Image": "",
                "SubordinateCount": 1,
                "Subordinates": [
                        "EmployeeId": "23",
                        "Name": "Ar",
                        "Position": "Technical",
                        "Image": "",
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                "EmployeeId": "24",
                "Name": "Sun",
                "Position": "Software Developer",
                "Image": null,
                "SubordinateCount": 1,
                "Subordinates": [
                        "EmployeeId": "25",
                        "Name": "AAAA",
                        "Position": null,
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                "EmployeeId": "26",
                "Name": "CCCC",
                "Position": "Consultant",
                "Image": null,
                "SubordinateCount": 0,
                "Subordinates": []
                "EmployeeId": "27",
                "Name": "Jaaaa",
                "Position": "Software Developer",
                "Image": null,
                "SubordinateCount": 2,
                "Subordinates": [
                        "EmployeeId": "28",
                        "Name": "Jay",
                        "Position": "Ssssss",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 0,
                        "Subordinates": []
                        "EmployeeId": "29",
                        "Name": "NNNN",
                        "Position": "Sssss",
                        "Image": null,
                        "SubordinateCount": 1,
                        "Subordinates": [
                                "EmployeeId": "30",
                                "Name": "Jo",
                                "Position": "Engineer",
                                "Image": null,
                                "SubordinateCount": 0,
                                "Subordinates": []

This is the json to be used .I have tried with collection view inside table view.But failed when i try to delete a row when user moves to the top and clicks on a new person . I have seen many libraries showing tree structure for table view . But i think that cannot be used here .

This is what i have tried so far.

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return selectedIndexes.count + 1
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        var bottomCell : SubordinatesTableViewCell! = self.Extableview.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "SubordinatesTableViewCell") as? SubordinatesTableViewCell
        if bottomCell == nil {
            let nib:Array = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("SubordinatesTableViewCell", owner: self, options: nil)!
            bottomCell = nib[0] as? SubordinatesTableViewCell
            bottomCell.empLevel = indexPath.row
            bottomCell.delegate = self
            bottomCell.subordinateDetails = self.subordinatesList
        return bottomCell

extension CurrentVC : SubordinateCellDelegate {
    func employeeClicked(row: Int?, index: Int?) {
        self.subordinatesList = self.heirarchy?.subordinates
        self.currentHeirarchyLevel = row! + 1
        if self.Extableview.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) > row! + 1 {
            var newIndexes = [Int]()
            if row! == 0 {
            }else {
            for i in 0..<(row! + 1) {
            self.selectedIndexes = newIndexes
            for i in 0..<row! + 1 {
                self.subordinatesList = self.subordinatesList?[self.selectedIndexes[i]].subordinates
            if subordinatesList?.count ?? 0 > 0  {
                self.Extableview.reloadRows(at: [IndexPath(row: self.currentHeirarchyLevel, section: 0)], with: .fade)
            }else {
                for i in 0..<self.Extableview.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) {
                    if i > row! {
                    self.Extableview.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: 1, section: 0)], with: .fade)
                self.numOfsections = row! + 1
        }else {
            for i in 0..<row! + 1 {
                self.subordinatesList = self.subordinatesList?[self.selectedIndexes[i]].subordinates
        if self.subordinatesList?.count ?? 0 > 0 {
            self.numOfsections = row! + 2
            self.Extableview.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row! + 1, section: 0)], with: .none)
        }else {
            for i in 0..<self.Extableview.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) {
                if i > row! {
                    self.numOfsections = row! + 1
                self.Extableview.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: 1, section: 0)], with: .fade)
like image 410
faheem Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 03:11


1 Answers

Declare 4 variables ,

var heirarchy : Subordinates?
var numOfRows = 0
var subordinatesList : [Subordinates]?
var subList = [[Subordinates]?]()

Once you get the json response ,

self.numOfRows += 1

Create a delegate function for collection view item click as below .

func employeeClicked(row: Int?, index: Int?, subordinates: [Subordinates]?) {

    if (subordinates?.count ?? 0) > 0 {
    self.subordinatesList = subordinates
    if numOfRows > row! + 2 {
        for i in (row! + 1)..<tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) {
            self.tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: i, section: 0)], with: .fade)
            self.numOfRows = numOfRows - 1
        self.numOfRows = row! + 2
        self.tableView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row! + 1, section: 0)], with: .fade)
    else if numOfRows == row! + 2 {
        self.subList[row! + 1] = self.subordinatesList
        self.tableView.reloadRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row! + 1, section: 0)], with: .fade)
    }else {
    self.numOfRows = row! + 2
    self.tableView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row! + 1, section: 0)], with: .fade)
    }else {
        if numOfRows > row! + 1 {
            for i in (row! + 1)..<tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: 0) {
                self.tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: i, section: 0)], with: .fade)
                self.numOfRows = numOfRows - 1

In tableview cellfor row delegate use the value of sublist array. Hope this helps you . I checked the code and it is working fine for me.

like image 117
Faheem Rahman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Faheem Rahman